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How to choose cost-effective red wine? Lei Sheng teaches you how to choose wine

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery takes the lead in advocating the new trend of "civilized, healthy and rational drinking". Drinking is not for showing off, let alone for comparison, but to achieve a healthy and civilized consumption trend while obtaining spiritual satisfaction and sensory enjoyment. Whether it is a wide variety of red wines or unique white wines, we will bring ecological wines to consumers, provide partners with best-selling, long-selling, and profitable products; build a beautiful business platform for distributors, and create value for shareholders. Contribute responsibility to the society, be a conscientious enterprise, and sell quality wine.


Friends who are not familiar with wine often feel that "wine is too expensive to drink". It is true that among wines, a small number of wines are very expensive, but most of them are affordable and delicious. As long as you know how to choose, you will find a red wine with a good price-performance ratio, no matter whether you know wine or not. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares some suggestions for wine selection to help you choose the affordable good wine you want.


1. Don’t chase after well-known countries and production areas too much. Generally, the wines from well-known large production areas are of high quality, but the price is also high. For example, the Bordeaux production area is well-known both at home and abroad. If you only believe in Bordeaux wine, the price/performance ratio will not be too high. You can choose some small production areas, such as Chile, South Africa, Spain and other production areas that are not as well-known as France, or new areas in the New World. Most of the wines they produce are of high quality and low price.

2. Try to choose some lesser-known grape varieties. We all know that if Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Dansoul and other well-known grape varieties come from well-known countries, wines are generally more expensive. Many people enjoy and understand them.

3. Don't pursue flashy packaging. If you buy wine not as a gift but as a ready-to-drink wine, the simpler the packaging, the better the price-performance ratio.

4. If the budget is limited, try not to buy the flagship wine of the brand. Any large-scale manufacturer has guaranteed production standards and product quality, and has flagship models. Generally, the quality is excellent and the price is high. You can buy other products under the same brand. While enjoying affordable prices, quality can also be guaranteed.

5. If you are a friend who drinks often, you can buy wine by case when choosing wine from Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON Red Wine Sharing , which is cheaper than buying a single bottle.


6. Choose a reputable wine dealer. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing good distributors can not only check the quality of the wine, but also broaden the scope of wine selection. From time to time, some holiday promotions and discounts will be held, so that it is easier to buy more affordable wine. For example, Yuncang Winery is such a distributor, which manages wines around the world, and can give friends a good first pass in terms of quality and cost performance. More importantly, the wines of Yuncang Winery adopt digital grading, so that no matter whether you are a wine novice or a senior wine drinker, you can understand at a glance and avoid detours when choosing wine.