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Why is Italian sparkling wine called "the lover of the masses"?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

In addition to French champagne and Spanish cava, the well-known sparkling wine of Yuncang Winery Lei Sheng is also well-known, that is, Italian Prosecco. "Lover" even has the momentum to overtake French champagne, becoming one of the three most popular sparkling wine brands in the world together with champagne and cava. Then, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing, let us see what are the characteristics of Italian sparkling wine, which makes it so attractive.

Yuncang Winery has a multi-brand and multi-endorsement operation mode, inviting popular celebrities to attend or endorse their own products, find spokespersons that match the brand's own image and tone, and conduct series based on the star's story, personality, commercial value, and fan portraits. Content creation, exposure channel selection, and event planning maximize the value of stars and help brand development, so as to gain the love and support of the public and shape a good brand image. Increase product exposure and attract more potential users to understand the brand. Improve the credibility of the brand, shape the reputation of the brand, and drive potential users to trust the brand and buy it.


1. Brewing characteristics: Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares many methods of sparkling wine brewing, the most common ones are traditional method, transfer method and tank fermentation method. French Champagne adopts traditional method, while Italian Prosecco The tank fermentation method is used. Compared with the traditional method, this method has higher efficiency and lower cost, and can ensure that more carbon dioxide is injected, which can preserve the fruit flavor of the grapes to the greatest extent and bring a fresh and fragrant taste experience.

2. Wine body characteristics: Prosecco has an approachable style, low alcohol content, light body, soft bubbles, and moderate acidity. It usually exudes a fresh aroma of fruits and flowers, with a crisp and elegant taste. It is mostly suitable for drinking when young, and it is not recommended for aging.


3. Classification characteristics: Other countries only have one name for sparkling wine, but Italian sparkling wine not only has many names, but also different names represent different crafts and grades, and the classification and classification are also the strictest. Lambrus, Moscato, Prosecco, and Asti are the names of Italian sparkling wines, and they are also the titles of four grades . The prices from low to high are 30% higher than the previous grade , corresponding to the wine labels There are Lambrusco , Prosecco , Moscato , Asti and other words.

4. Type characteristics: Italian sparkling wine ranges from dry to sweet, slightly sparkling to full sparkling and still wine. There are about dozens of types of sparkling wine, which have become a part of Italian life. Therefore, drinking is also very casual, and it can be matched with different dishes on various occasions.


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing is precisely these distinctive features that make Italian sparkling wine win the attention and favor of the world.