IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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Yuncang Winery tells you how difficult it is to move traditional business online

TIME:2023-03-13POPULARITY:Author: 小编

With the development of the Internet, the traditional wine industry has experienced "dividends" to "critic attacks". On the consumer side, first of all, the focus of the purchase channel is gradually shifting to online. Some dealers said, "Transformation to online sales is an irreversible development trend." Many people in the industry believe that under the epidemic, the pace of online transformation of the wine industry has accelerated. , The epidemic has made major wineries pay more and more attention to the importance of online channels. The emergence of the Internet has diverted consumers to online, and the traditional distribution system is no longer applicable. For the wine industry, entering the transformation track is the way out to seek new development.


With the use of 5G, smartphones, and the rapid development of the mobile Internet. Consumer buying habits are changing, and users are increasingly accepting and buying online. The rise of the Internet has brought great changes to the resource structure of the traditional wine industry, and the platform has become the core. There are suppliers on one side and consumers on the other side, and the two interact on the platform. The word "transformation" is a difficult road, because it means rethinking the business model and building a talent team, and it also means a greater change in capital. This is also the reason why many wine merchants hesitate or fail to transform.

Yuncang Winery has developed an industry-leading management system. This system can meet the warehouse management and distribution system, manage customers, orders, and salesmen. At the same time, it can realize online ordering, promotion management, aggregate payment, etc., and upgrade supplier management. Provide a strong guarantee, which is one of the stable foundations for the transformation of the traditional wine industry.

After understanding, Yuncang Winery is a company that sells wine. The traditional business of selling wine offline also supports online ordering, that is, you can pick up goods in batches, or entrust a dropshipping. You can buy offline as you like, and buy offline. Who is the supplier? Who is the online supplier? According to the traditional wine wholesale business, the wine sales platform that provides Internet online services has the same supplier as the traditional wine business. Compared with the traditional wine business, the online Online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management are consistent with offline business and online business.


Moving the traditional wine business online can further enhance user stickiness. To satisfy users, it is necessary to match corresponding products and services according to the changing needs of users, which means providing logistics, data flow, capital flow and management flow. Azimuth, multiple or single item support. On this point, Yuncang Winery has a great advantage. As a platform that deeply integrates online and offline, Yuncang Winery can strive to dig deep into the needs of consumers and effectively connect them with dealers' own resources, so as to truly solve operational problems.

Yuncang Winery has carried out reforms in terms of products, warehousing and distribution. Yuncang Winery adopts a strategy of product diversification and market diversification to occupy more markets and open up new markets, avoiding the risk of single operation. It continuously integrates its superior categories to enrich SKUs, forming a product pool with rich products, competitive prices, and market demand, which can fully meet operational needs.

In terms of service, Yuncang Winery has innovated the industry-leading speed delivery service, from inventory to delivery, from warehousing to logistics, and will establish a real-time experience between online ordering and offline consumption. Yuncang Winery has realized the integration of warehousing, distribution and transportation, created a flat supply chain, and improved the efficiency of warehousing and transportation. Reduce the resources of intermediate warehousing links and branch logistics warehousing, push them downwards, and increase the business of terminal logistics. Optimize storage resources through cloud computing and big data technology to improve utilization.


The above series of measures of Yuncang Winery have fundamentally solved the dilemma of the traditional wine industry, and also upgraded the user experience in an all-round way, embarking on a road of "growing bigger and bigger". Products are the core and foundation of customer experience, and customer service is the bridge connecting products and customers. Yuncang Winery relies on this "offline + online full service" to further improve customer experience and get closer to "anytime, anywhere, casual" consumption The new retail connotation has truly realized the online transformation of the traditional wine business.