IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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Yuncang Winery will adhere to the strategy of "category expansion" in 2023

TIME:2023-03-13POPULARITY:Author: 小编

In recent years, under the premise of sufficient overall production capacity, revenue growth, consumption upgrade, and healthy consumption in the liquor industry , the growth rate of famous liquor is mainly reflected in the rapid improvement of sub-high-end and high-end products For consumer purchase behavior and different wine usage scenarios, it is mainly manifested in self-drinking, drinking together, banquets, gifts, and collections. Banquets include banquets, government and business banquets. In 2022, soy sauce and wine accounted for the highest proportion From the perspective of consumer psychology, the factors that affect consumer purchase behavior mainly include: brand, quality, consumption habits, and cost performance.


According to Yuncang Winery's analysis of different consumer groups and different wine usage scenarios mid-to-high-end consumption is mainly based on banquets, gifts, and collections, and brand selection comes first. Famous wines are sinking, and local and regional wine companies, represented by provincial wines and city wines, are affected in different ways. Among such companies, Luzhou-flavor liquor companies account for a relatively high proportion; the second is quality, compared with Luzhou-flavor and Fen-flavor, the taste of sauce wine is more mellow and rich, which is also the main reason why middle and high-end people choose it; the third is value, The representative brand of sauce wine, in the early days, many consumers were discouraged by the "price ceiling", so they chose strong and light fragrance. With the upgrading of consumption, the original "ceiling" has long been broken, and various famous wine brands have participated in the "high-end track", especially the top brands of sauce-flavored and strong-flavored liquors.

Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. It is an online sales platform for traditional wine business and a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang winery is a combination of cloud warehouse + winery, cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, some of the traditional wine business is online, offline tasting is advocated, offline purchases are also possible, and online orders can also be placed (online orders are only for Order records and logistics inquiries do not support online payment, buyers need to find suppliers offline to pay themselves), can pick up goods in batches or ship them one by one according to the order, dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for display wine and basic inventory , flexible operation.

Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides dealers with online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management, realizing the integration of online and offline sales business. Customers can experience in the physical winery, and can purchase on-site or online. Orders are shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


The mass consumption is mainly based on self-drinking, drinking together, and general banquets. Although brand selection still occupies the main factor, it has broken the effect of "famous wine brands". Products below 300 yuan, local mainstream brands have been operated for many years, and regional culture and brand influence The force has already been formed. The second is cost performance. What the mass consumer groups pursue is to buy the most satisfactory products at the most favorable price.

Yuncang Winery has always adopted the marketing strategy of "small profits but high sales, earning less and selling more to look at the long-term interests. Small profits will increase market demand. This requires enterprises to have a certain production capacity and potential production capacity in order to ensure the quality of products. supply. If the production capacity of the enterprise is insufficient to meet the supply of products, it will leave room for competitors, thus affecting the long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, when Yuncang Winery adopts the marketing strategy of "small profits but high sales, earn less and sell more , it combines its own production and management capabilities to meet the market demand caused by small profits but high sales so that the mass consumer groups can really use the most favorable prices. Price, buy the most satisfactory product.


It is understood that sauce wine, due to the demand for high-end track value and the limitation of production process costs, the top famous wine brands still focus more on the sub-high-end and high-end markets; the mid-range price band, 2019-2021 The season of sauce wine is hot, not the first-line sauce wine The brand is shoddy, the early price is seriously inflated, and the later price is cut in half, which makes the mass consumers lose their trust; Luzhou, in the price range of 100-300 yuan, is a national brand, provincial wine, city wine, and the development trend is good. For local liquor companies, the core single product has already matured, and the market price is stable; while Qingxiang also has a core single product in the mass price range, which is deeply trusted by consumers.

The overall development trend of Yuncang Winery is mainly manifested in "category expansion". On the basis of focusing on wine operations, Yuncang Winery continues to enter the liquor market, and has taken another important step on the road to expand the entire category. HOMANLISM baijiu is the first baijiu brand launched by Yuncang Winery. The initial products are all sauce-flavored baijiu from Moutai Town, Kweichow Province. They are divided into different series and multi-series products with different prices, striving to meet different consumption scenarios. need. In the later period, Luzhou-flavor liquor and Fen-flavor liquor will be launched successively .