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Yuncang Winery shared the advantages and disadvantages of cork and screw cap? Which one is better?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Cork has a long history as the "original match" of wine, and the problem of cork deterioration has promoted the advent and use of screw caps. The brand LEESON Red Wine of Yuncang Winery shared that because screw caps were originally used for low-end wines, many people thought that wines with corks were really good wines, and wines with screw caps were cheap wines.

Which of the two bottle stoppers is better? In fact, these two types of corks cannot be strictly distinguished which one is better, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Cork, as a traditional wine stopper, maintains the traditional craftsmanship and has a sense of ceremony in opening the bottle, which is conducive to the aging of wine; but the disadvantage is that it must be opened with a corkscrew, which may break the cork. In addition, the long-term Aging wine is easy to cause cork pollution and wine smell, wet board smell or musty smell. In addition, the proportion of voids in different corks is different, so the oxygen intake of wine is not exactly the same, which will cause the wine to appear poor.

The screw cap is made of aluminum, which is recyclable. It is adopted by wine merchants in some countries in New Zealand and Australia. Its advantages are good sealing, easy opening of the bottle and avoiding cork pollution. Unlike cork wine, which must be placed horizontally or upside down , more freedom in storage or placement. The disadvantage is that because the seal is too good, the wine cannot get "trace oxygen" to breathe freely, and the air can hardly enter the bottle, which is not conducive to the aging of tannins and polyphenols. So it is not as good as cork in terms of aging.

Most people like cork stoppers and care more about the ritual sense of opening the bottle, which belongs to the cultural level, which cannot be replaced by screw caps. Although the screw cap is not as ceremonial as the cork, it is easier and more convenient to open the bottle, and the taste of the wine is more stable.

Therefore, the choice of cork or screw cap depends on the purpose of wine making. If you want to make the wine age longer, you can choose oak stoppers, and if you want to preserve better fruit flavor, you can choose screw cap. For wines of the same quality, some wines with screw caps are even several times more expensive than wines with corks, so you can’t use “corks” to get wine. Don’t think that screw caps are low-end wines, and oak corks must be high-end wines. Therefore, we should choose wine from the origin and variety of different wines.

With the development of technology in the wine industry, cork or screw cap is actually more a matter of personal preference . Those who love wine may wish to experience and open different wine bars with a more appreciative attitude. The above is a sharing of LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery .


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