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How to choose wine according to budget? How to choose a decent and affordable one?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The brand LEESON Red Wine of Yuncang Winery shared that many friends who are new to wine do not know how to choose wine, most of which are because they did not make a budget for themselves in advance. Wine prices vary widely, so without a budget it's like an audition, and it's very difficult to decide which wine is right for you. By budgeting in advance, the scope of wine selection can be narrowed down, and it is easier to choose the wine that suits you. Therefore, Yuncang Winery will provide different wine selection strategies according to the various budgets of customers.


For example, if the budget is less than 300, we will recommend customers to choose wines from Chile, Argentina, and New World Australia, because the production equipment in these countries is modern and the cost is low, and the wine can be of high quality and low price . If gift giving is not considered, in terms of quality alone, New World is the best choice if the budget is below 300. If you are not very knowledgeable about grape varieties and production areas, you can choose LEESON red wine numbered red wine with numbers 1-3 A range of wines can fit this budget. For example, dry red wine 188 from Chile , dry red 230 from France, and dry red from Argentina 328 are all high-quality red wines that can be bought in this budget stage.

If the budget is around 500, you can choose some well-known mid-range wines in the New World, or some old-world popular wines from France and Italy. Both Leisheng 456 French dry red and Chilean 576 dry red can meet this price.

If the budget is between 500 and 1,000, you can choose from a wide range of choices, that is, you can choose high-end products from the New World, or you can choose famous products from some famous producing areas in the Old World, such as French Bordeaux middle class wineries and Italian wineries. Find wines at this value.

If the final budget is more than 1,000, you can choose wines from famous production areas and wineries, especially Bordeaux in France. When you have such a budget, you can consider choosing wines from famous old world wineries. For example, Leisheng 818 dry red wine comes from the famous Rhone Valley, which belongs to French AOC wine.


To be truly affordable and face-saving, we must follow the principle of "only choose the right one, not the expensive one". Especially when entertaining guests, the right wine does not only refer to the price, but the taste is good, matches the meal, and makes people drink Comfortable.