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Share the LEESON red wine brand of Yuncang Winery, can you tell the quality of the wine just by looking at the cork?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

As the saying goes, a good horse matches a good saddle, and a good car matches a good tire. This is also the case in the world of wine. A good wine needs a good cork. The level of cork used in a bottle of wine can largely reflect the winemaker’s attitude towards wine. The level of care in this bottle of wine.

The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that even friends who don’t know a little wine knowledge can roughly infer the price of this bottle of wine by looking at the cork, which is generally relatively simple and reliable.


The first type of synthetic stopper is a kind of stopper made of natural wood leftovers crushed and ground into granules. This kind of stopper is cheap to manufacture, and the wines using this kind of bottle stopper are probably entry-level wines. Synthetic cork wine is mostly used for daily table wine, which can not only meet the needs of wine drinkers, but also not be too expensive and unacceptable.

The second type of patch stopper is natural oak used on both sides of the cork, and the middle is still made of oak chips. This kind of stopper can not only ensure the flavor of the wine but also reduce the cost. It is generally used on wines that are more cost-effective. . If this type of cork is used in wine, it is generally because the brewer wants to strike a balance between flavor and price.

The third kind of original cork, using natural oak bark as raw material, is punched into the shape of cork by machine. There are many pores on this kind of cork, showing the shape of natural bark pits and pits. The oak tree used to make wine corks has growth The vintage requirement, so this kind of stopper is expensive, and it is conceivable that it is impossible to use the expensive wine stopper on ordinary wine. If you buy a bottle of wine with a natural cork for not too high a price, you are buying a wine with a very high cost performance. Generally, such precious wine as Lafite uses natural cork.

Oxford University once conducted an experiment on wine corks. They randomly asked more than 100 people to experiment. Before a glass of wine was poured, the sound of pulling the cork was played; for the other glass, the sound of twisting the cork was played naturally. These two glasses of wine are actually the same wine, except for the sound heard when opening the bottle, everything else is the same. As a result of the experiment, the cork group drank better, and the average score was 15% higher than that of the corkscrew . This experiment fully illustrates a principle that the quality of wine has nothing to do with the function of the cork itself, and it has completely risen to the psychological factor...

The cork meets the sense of ritual that people pursue when opening wine. With the development of wine, many high-quality wines begin to use screw corks and recyclable glass corks. However, it is certain that a wine with excellent quality and excellent aging ability will definitely use it. Log oak stoppers, in view of environmental protection considerations, more high-quality wines will use other corks in the future. Friends who love red wine can continue to explore these wine knowledge and find more fun besides wine tasting.


Yuncang Winery advocates health: Yuncang Winery takes the lead in advocating the new trend of "civilized, healthy and rational drinking". Drinking is not for showing off, let alone for comparison, but to achieve a healthy and civilized consumption trend while obtaining spiritual satisfaction and sensory enjoyment. Whether it is a wide variety of red wines or unique white wines, we will bring ecological wines to consumers, provide partners with best-selling, long-selling, and profitable products; build a beautiful business platform for distributors, and create value for shareholders. Contribute responsibility to the society, be a conscientious enterprise, and sell quality wine.