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Is it necessary to add sulfur to the wine shared by Yuncang Winery ? What is sulfur dioxide?

TIME:2023-02-27POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model. The following share from Yuncang Winery

the words "CONTAINS SULFITES (sulfites)" in the ingredients on the back label of the wine bottle . So they asked the sales staff of LEESON Red Wine Yuncang Winery, why is there sulfur dioxide in the wine that is comparable to "acid rain"? Does sulfur have to be added to wine? What is sulfur dioxide?

Then, let’s popularize LEESON red wine.

Sulfur dioxide, simply put, is a preservative used in wine. It has different appellations in wine labels, common ones are sulfur dioxide, SO2, pyrosulfite and Metabisulfite, which are actually one thing.


We need to sober up when we drink red wine, which is to expose the wine to air for oxidation to make the taste better, but no one wants the wine to be oxidized before it is opened, because once oxidized, the wine will change color and taste. How to keep the quality of wine stable is inseparable from the credit of preservatives. This is why sulfur dioxide appears in wine. Sulfur dioxide has been used in the wine industry for a long time, and it has another function of antibacterial, sterilizing and fresh-keeping grapes.

Yuncang Winery continued to share that in order to achieve the best brewing effect of grapes during winemaking, the picked grape skins have their own yeast. In addition to the weight of the grapes and mutual squeezing, it is inevitable that the skins will break and produce grape juice . In order not to dilute the grapes Artesian juice which affects the flavor of the wine generally does not wash the grapes with water. This requires antibacterial and sterilizing grapes, and sulfur dioxide exists for this reason.

In addition, many wineries will use sulfur dioxide for the disinfection of wine barrels.


People are concerned about the sulfur dioxide in wine because they are afraid of the impact on the body. Indeed, if the additives in any food exceed the standard, the body will have some intolerance reactions. However, as an international brewing standard, wine is not only strict but also scientific in the use of preservatives. Reasonable, as long as the wine is qualified and compliant, everyone does not need to smell the sulfur dioxide to change color.

Sulfur dioxide plays a vital role in the whole fermentation, aging, transportation, and quality preservation of wine, and it is not as terrible as people imagine. If we want to let the sulfur dioxide out when drinking wine, it is also very easy, just shake the wine glass more when sobering up. The above brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery is shared.