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Can you open sparkling wine? LEESON red wine recommends how to open sparkling wine

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that I believe everyone has experienced it in TV commercials or at parties. The sparkling wine was shaken vigorously. With a bang, the cork was rushed out by the vapor in the wine, and the wine instantly The liquid flies and shoots, and everyone rejoices. But if it is not opened properly, it may cause trouble if the wine is splashed on the guests or the wine cork hits them.


So, how do you properly open sparkling wine? The following LEESON red wine will introduce the opening method of sparkling wine. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery continued to share.

1. Do not shake the bottle of sparkling wine before opening it . When sparkling wine is shaken, it releases carbon dioxide gas with a strength equivalent to six atmospheres of pressure. The wine should be fully chilled to between 6-10 degrees, and the temperature should be cooled to reduce the air pressure in the bottle, so as to avoid sparkling wine spraying out from the bottle mouth and hurting people due to excessive air pressure in the bottle. Then dry the wine bottle with a napkin, put the wine on the bottle holder, not on the table, fold the napkin and put it on the table or on your arm.

2. Next, remove the gold foil paper on the sparkling wine cap. There is a wire pull ring on the cap of each bottle of sparkling wine. Use a wine knife to cut the gold foil paper. If you are a bartender at this time, make the wine label face guest. Put the wine label and cut gold foil in your pocket. Be safe, quiet and professional during the process.

3. Press the cork with a napkin, press firmly with your thumb, and twist the pull ring to loosen it, but do not immediately pull the pull ring to the wire mesh to prevent the cork from collapsing.

4. The bottle is tilted at 45 degrees, the bottle mouth should be away from the guests, aim at a safe place, press the cork covered by the napkin with one hand, and turn the bottom of the bottle with the other hand, so as to achieve "the bottle moves and the stopper does not move", When it feels like the cork is about to come out, it needs to be controlled, and the whole process should be as quiet and elegant as possible.

5. After opening the bottle, put the bottle back on the bottle mat, and put the cork on the bottle mat to show the guests, and put the silk screen in the pocket. Then change to a new napkin to wipe the mouth of the bottle, and then start pouring wine. After pouring, lift the top of the bottle and turn it to dry it with a napkin again.

After such a process, it is the correct way to open sparkling wine.


Yuncang Winery takes the lead in advocating the new trend of "civilized, healthy and rational drinking". Drinking is not for showing off, let alone for comparison, but to achieve a healthy and civilized consumption trend while obtaining spiritual satisfaction and sensory enjoyment. Whether it is a wide variety of red wines or unique white wines, we will bring ecological wines to consumers, provide partners with best-selling, long-selling, and profitable products; build a beautiful business platform for distributors, and create value for shareholders. Contribute responsibility to the society, be a conscientious enterprise, and sell quality wine.