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How many types of red wine corks are there? Synthetic caps, screw caps and corks

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

A friend asked LEESON red wine, "I don't know much about wine, can a bottle of wine be judged by the cork alone?" The answer is that good wine comes with a good cork, and the cork can be used as a reference item when choosing a wine. Let's see how many types of wine corks are common in wine. There are synthetic stoppers, patch stoppers, original corks, polymer stoppers, screw caps and DIAM corks.

Synthetic stoppers are made of cork particles glued together. They are generally used for ordinary table wines. You can easily find wines with this kind of stoppers in supermarkets. They are not suitable for wines that have been stored for a long time.

Patch stoppers, with cork particles in the middle and cork chips on both sides, are generally used for wine with a certain cost performance.


Natural cork is generally used to make cork oak bark, and the production cost is relatively high, so it is generally used for better wine. Suitable for long-term storage of wine , but there is a certain probability of TCA contamination, that is, the smell of wet cardboard.

Polymer stoppers are made of synthetic materials or plastics, accounting for about 20 % of the market, and most low- and middle-priced wines use this kind of polymer stoppers. Generally suitable for young fruity wines.

Screw cap , this kind of good sealing can keep the pure fruity aroma of the wine. Many Australian wines and German Riesling like to use screw caps, and many good wines use this kind of stopper.

Glass stoppers can effectively prevent wine from oxidizing, and at the same time avoid TCA pollution. The appearance is beautiful and can be recycled, but it will increase the cost of wine and the price will be high.

DIAM stopper is a relatively expensive high-tech cork stopper, which is made by grinding cork into small particles, removing excess components and pressing them into the shape of a wine stopper. It is currently the best and most expensive wine stopper in the world. It is said that it can completely remove the perfect wine stopper from natural cork TCA pollution. This kind of wine cork is pollution-free, highly stable, and highly elastic. Although it is impossible to judge whether a wine is good or bad based on the cork, we know that the winery has paid a lot of money when we encounter a wine with a DIAM cork.


Generally speaking, no wine cork is perfect, and each wine cork has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wine lovers fall in love with wine, and there is no need to entangle the quality of the wine with the cork. The above is a sharing of LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery .