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What is the biodynamic method of wine?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

In the world of wine, there is a mysterious and worth exploring theoretical method called "biodynamic method". Bury cow horns stuffed with cow dung into the soil, put yarrow in the bladder of deer, look at the sky for farming, and look at the calendar for drinking. What exactly is this "biodynamics" that everyone can't explain clearly and everyone can't understand ? Let me tell you about the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery.

The foreign language name of biodynamics is Biodynamics , Bio (life) +dynamics (energy), which comes from Greek, and the combination means biodynamics. From the perspective of grape cultivation and brewing, biodynamic generally includes the following aspects:

First of all, in terms of planting, the entire farm is regarded as an organic whole. In order to protect this organic whole, the biodynamic method will advocate that no pesticides and herbicides are used to create a complete and sustainable ecosystem. For example, the grass on the farm is used to Feed the cows, cow dung can be fertilized, and if there are insects, let the birds eat the insects as much as possible. This planting ecosystem is very similar to our traditional Chinese medicine, which treats the human body as a whole, instead of treating the head for a headache and treating the foot for a foot. In terms of fermentation, wine growers cannot do too much manual intervention, and wild yeast must be used for fermentation, and the addition of sulfur dioxide must also strictly abide by the minimum standards for adding sulfur dioxide.


Secondly, the biodynamic method advocates the self-healing of the vineyard, so that each vine becomes full of vitality, so there are many biological agents in the biodynamic method, the most common one is to put cow dung and quartz powder in the horns, They believe that horns are like the antennas of the universe, which can stimulate the potential of the land and receive more energy from nature. Quartz powder can also receive the heat of the sun and promote better ripening of grapes.

Third, in terms of cultivation, they will look at the sky. The biodynamic method believes that the time of day is closely related to the interests of the land. When the moon is full, they will plant, graft, and harvest. They also adjust the time according to the moon. They also match different varieties with the five elements. Some grapes belong to water, some belong to fire, and some grapes belong to earth.

The biodynamic method is actually not mysterious. It just makes us human beings have a humble heart towards nature and the land, so that the land and nature will give us better grape varieties, and we can drink tastier and healthier wine . The famous Romanee-Conti wine is a wine made by biodynamic method.

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