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Is the quality of non-vintage wine good?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

We often see the production year on the wine label, which refers to the year when all grapes were picked. Old World wine-producing countries believe that the vintage of the wine has a greater influence on them, while the New World wines, the vintage has slightly less significance. Some wines even have no vintage on the label. Wines without a vintage date on the label are called non-vintage wines.


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So, is the wine quality without vintage?

Old world wines such as France and Italy have a colder climate, and not every vintage has perfect ripeness of grapes, so it is not easy to meet a vintage with good grape ripeness, so the vintage is of great significance to them. Countries in the New World, such as Australia, Chile, and South Africa, have warm and stable climates, which guarantee the maturity of grapes almost every year. Therefore, vintages are not rare for them, and their significance is relatively less than that of the Old World.


For friends who like wine, no matter whether it is used for investment or collection as a gift, the vintage of the wine is more important. So how do we deal with non-vintage wines? In fact, non-vintage wines are not of average quality, but more special wines, such as champagne, port wine, and sherry, most of which are non-vintage wines. Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shares because it is very difficult to brew vintage champagne, so once the vintage champagne is marked, it has a very high investment value, and it is difficult to find in the market.

Because the grape harvest is greatly affected by the climate, some years are good, and some years are not good. In order to maintain a stable quality of wine brewed every year, some wineries will blend wines from different years. The specific year will not be marked on the wine label.


The absence of a vintage does not negate the quality and character of these blends, which is the case with most Champagnes and Ports.

Some blended wines will also have very high quality, but the year is not marked. Therefore, although the year is a worthwhile reference when choosing wine, it is not the only quality indicator. It is still necessary to be more scientific and rational. Treat the wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares whether it is vintage or not, good quality wine can stand the test of consumers.