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Is de-alcoholized wine still wine?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

I believe that many people have heard of or drank de-alcoholized wine. However, many people have doubts about de-alcoholized wine. Does de-alcoholized grape mean alcohol-free? Isn't de-alcoholized wine just grape juice? Is de-alcoholized wine still wine? With these questions in mind, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing will help you find the answers.

Alcohol Removed Wine ( Alcohol Removed Wine ), as the name suggests, refers to wine whose alcohol is separated after brewing, and can also be understood as "removing" the ethanol in wine.


First of all, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing de-alcoholic wine is not completely alcohol-free, but means that the alcohol content is not higher than 0.5 %, and the alcohol content in a bottle of about 500ml wine does not exceed 2.5ml . Although the alcohol content is low, it does not mean cutting corners in the process. It is completely carried out in accordance with the normal wine making process , but it is only de-alcoholized. Using the principle of low boiling point and easy volatilization of alcohol, most of the alcohol is evaporated, allowing you It doesn't taste alcoholic, it tastes alcoholic, but it's still alcohol. Dealcoholized wine tastes like ordinary wine, and it is also fermented from grape juice.

Secondly, Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares the same nutrients in de-alcoholized wine as ordinary wine. It has all the tannins, phenolic substances, aroma, etc., but the alcohol is reduced, and some achieve zero. Alcohol, for those with alcohol allergies and drivers, is the preferred choice.


Thirdly, Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing de-alcoholized wine has both the mellowness of dry red wine and the refreshing taste of sweet wine, which is a perfect combination of the advantages of the two. While ensuring the nutritious flavor, it is also very easy to eat, which can satisfy the tastes of more people. Leisheng 239 natural non-alcoholic red grape juice is an authentic de-alcoholized wine, produced in the Gaucho Valley of Brazil, without adding sweeteners and coloring agents. Brewed from pure grape juice, it is rich in high-concentration polyphenols and has zero alcohol content. It is suitable for the elderly, children, and pregnant women. It is called "a cosmetic rich in anthocyanins that can be drunk".


Fourth, the types of de-alcoholized wine currently include red wine, white wine, and sparkling wine. Because of its very low alcohol content, it has become a healthier new drink and is being sought after and loved by consumers. In the future, de-alcoholized wine will become a new fashion trend.

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