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Will wine change during transportation?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

As a liquid drink, wine is delicate and fragile. It must be treated like a treasure, otherwise the quality of the wine will be affected if you are not careful. A bottle of wine has to go through countless links from its production to the consumer's glass, and transportation is a very big test. It may span several kilometers or cross several oceans, take a cargo plane or ship, and may encounter various risks and challenges along the way, such as temperature and vibration. Therefore, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing wine will change during the transportation process, and must be carefully protected.


So, how do ordinary consumers fulfill their protection tasks when they finally buy a bottle of wine from a cargo plane or freighter?

1. Do not put wine in the compartment on hot days, because the risk of wine deterioration is complex chemical reactions. Too high a temperature will lead to rapid oxidation of wine, that is, not paying attention to the temperature will make the wine decay early and lose its original flavor.

2. Delicate wine cannot be drunk immediately. For example, pink wine, white wine, or organic wine without added sulfide, after long-distance transportation, there will be a phenomenon of bottle fainting, and it must be rested to restore its style. After standing for a week, you can open the bottle and drink freely.


3. Whether you are buying wine or storing wine at home, try to keep the wine at a constant temperature, which has the least impact on the quality of the wine.


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