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Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared how to “taste” wine correctly?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Why do most people use the word "taste" when drinking wine? Because wine is not like beer that needs to be gulped down, nor is it spicy like white wine that needs to be sipped in small sips. Instead, it needs to be swirled in the mouth after drinking to feel its complexity. After looking and smelling, tasting is the third and very important step. Sight and smell mobilize your desire, but taste is the real intimate contact with wine.

The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that most people will take a sip of wine and swirl their tongues in their mouths, and some people will choose to gargle the wine in order to experience the wine, let the wine fill the entire mouth, and let the wine flow in every part of the tongue Parts, feel the alternate appearance of different flavors.

So, what exactly is it to taste wine?

1. Taste the taste first. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that the so-called taste is sweet and sour. When you drink the wine, you will taste its sweetness first. Especially the acidity of red wine is not as heavy as that of white grapes, so the sweetness will be preconceived. A wine without sugar would say it is a "dry" wine. Even if it is a dry type, the sweetness can be felt in the mouth. The second is acid. This feeling is not acetic acid or lemon acid, but a sense of balance formed by tannins. If the acidity is heavy, the wine will appear "sour and harsh". Then there is astringency. Young wines in the mouth will make the teeth, gums and tongue feel dry and astringent. If it is a very mature wine, the tannins will be soft and not too astringent.

2. Middle taste structure. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON Red Wine shared that it is often said that the structure of wine refers to "texture" and "weight". That is, the density of the wine after the entrance and the degree of feeling on the tongue. The palate is dense and the tongue feels heavy, which means that the wine is full-bodied. Conversely, a clean mouthfeel and light weight on the tongue indicate a fresh wine. The structure of wine is affected by alcohol, acid, sugar, soluble flavor substances, etc. The higher the alcohol and sweetness, the more complex the flavors and the fuller the wine will feel. Words to describe the structure of wine such as: full, skeleton, rich, thick, soft, round, fat and so on.


3. Taste the aroma aftertaste. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that the wine has fully released its style and structure in the mouth, and there is still aftertaste after swallowing, just like white wine will leave the burning sensation of alcohol in the mouth, so is wine, the aftertaste is only For a complete wine tasting. The restraint of tannins, the scorching heat of alcohol, the stimulation of sour taste, and the faint and intermittent fragrance are all taste experiences brought by the aftertaste. Usually the longer the aftertaste lasts, the better the quality of the wine. The above Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared, welcome to communicate and share.

The same is true for drinking and eating, there will always be times when everyone’s tastes are difficult to adjust. If the best wine is not to your taste, you may not be able to drink the true essence. Therefore, when choosing wine, it is not really good that everyone says is good, but that it is really good that suits your own taste.

Label: LEESON   Wine Franchise