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What about "bitter" wine?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Wine can make people laugh and talk, and it can also make people relax and happy, but some wines have a bitter taste. What's going on? LEESON Red Wine will spread wine knowledge to everyone, and talk about why high-end and high-end wines have a "bitter" taste in the eyes of many people.

The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that the most common taste of wine is sour, astringent, and bitter. The astringency comes from the tannins, and the bitterness also comes from the grape skins, starting with catechols in the phenolic composition.

Bitterness is usually more present in new red wines, and a small amount of bitterness is not considered a defect. It’s the same reason that people drink coffee with milk and sugar for the first time. After they really fall in love with coffee, they drink pure black coffee with relish every morning. This is a process of developing a sense of taste. The same is true for wine. When a novice Xiaobai first comes into contact with red wine, he either feels astringent or bitter. When he becomes an old fritter in wine, he can taste the unique aroma of wine in a taste that others cannot appreciate.

In fact, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares moderate "bitterness" which is very important for wine. If it is only "sweet", it is undoubtedly a sweet drink blended with alcohol, grape essence and saccharin, not wine.

Not all wines are "bitter", but we have not used the correct method to taste it, just like bitter melon, if you eat it like a fruit, it can make your tongue bitter, but if you eat it in the right way, it will be bitter. It is a very beneficial anti-inflammatory dish for the body. No matter how good the red wine is, if you want to make the bitter taste less obvious, there are conditions for drinking it.


The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that first of all, pay attention to the temperature of drinking. When the temperature is around 37 degrees, the wine tastes more sour and bitter. Therefore, if the weather conditions permit, try to process it at a slightly lower temperature, and the taste will be much better.

Sharing of LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery Secondly, pay attention to the time of sobering up. When oxygen comes into contact with the wine, the aroma will be released, the bitterness will also be reduced, and the taste will be softer and easier to drink.

The last point is that most people can’t accept the sourness of wine at the beginning and go to drink it, and gradually become more and more addicted to wine. This process is also a process from entry to promotion. The above Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared, welcome to communicate and share.