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Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared the secrets of the vintage

TIME:2023-02-27POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The brand LEESON Red Wine of Yuncang Winery shared that many friends are always curious about what secrets are hidden in the vintage of the wine? Today, LEESON Red Wine is here to answer your questions. First of all, in the world of wine, there is no such thing as "always" or "never". Because the weather conditions are different in each season, the rainfall in the growing season and the dryness in the harvest season will not completely replicate the characteristics of the previous year. Earthquakes and even snowstorms may come unexpectedly in a certain year. Therefore, the wines of each year have unique characteristics of this year.


Even friends who don’t often drink wine, usually we can see at least three years on the wine label, which are the date of canning, the year the winery was born and the year of the wine. So, which of these three years is more meaningful for us to choose wine? The answer is the third, which is the year of the wine, which is Vintage in English . Usually we see in the middle or inconspicuous position of the wine target, the vintage of the wine either appears alone or follows the grape variety. This year refers to the year when the grapes are harvested. Grapes are a crop that is greatly affected by the climate. Therefore, the quality of the grapes in the harvest year directly determines whether the wine made from the grapes in the harvest year is a good wine or a mediocre wine. The year corresponding to the abundant grape harvest is also considered to be a good year or a bad year. A good year is called a "big year" and a poor year is called a "small year". The quality of wine in different years is different, and the price will also be different. A good year will naturally be more expensive. For example, we often talk about "82 Lafite". The four numbers 1982 are the "vintage" of this bottle of Lafite. , which means the grapes that make this bottle of Lafite red wine. Year is a unique mark of wine, like whiskey, brandy, Moutai and Wuliangye are not marked with "year".

Therefore, the year can be used as a reference when purchasing wine, but it should not be used as a fundamental indicator. Good and bad years are only used to evaluate the grape harvest. If the quality of the grapes is excellent and the brewing process is casual, good wine cannot be produced in the end. On the contrary, even if the grapes are in a bad year, it can still be compensated by the winemaker's technology.

Vintage information is more important for Old World wines because their climate is less stable than that of the New World, and the quality of the wine can vary greatly from year to year. Now the wine year differences in many New World countries are not so obvious. The climate in New World countries is more stable, and artificial intervention such as irrigation is allowed in the grape planting or winemaking process. It can " rejuvenate " and produce high-quality wine.


When buying wine, don't worry too much about the year. General brand companies and wineries have already done a good job in the selection of imported red wine. For example, LEESON red wine chooses to use its own grading system, the first numbered red wine grading, and 8 basic stages of grading for wine, which means that these 8 gradings correspond to 8 different price points, and consumers can use their own. To choose red wine according to your needs , even a beginner can simply select the one you need, and classify the price of red wine according to 8 price ranges, which makes the choice easier.

For mass consumers, when purchasing wine, the year is not an important indicator, but the taste and flavor of the wine are the focus of attention.