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Why is the wine-producing country of Romania called "Land of Hope"?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The brand LEESON Red Wine from Yuncang Winery shared that the exposure of Romanian wines in the Chinese market is not high, and most wine lovers and consumers do not know much about this country. Romania is known as a country full of "poetic and picturesque". The famous blue Danube flows through Romania into the Black Sea, creating a rich and beautiful natural landscape. Romanians who love wine like to use wine to set off the joy of the festival. Although Romania is not well-known, it has been appraised as a "Land of Promise" by the Master of Wine, Jesse Robinson . So, what are the characteristics of such a wine country? LEESON red wine will let you know about it.

First of all, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that Romania's wine is regulated by ancient laws and does not allow any blending. It must be 100% pure wine to achieve a truly pure brewing.

Secondly, Romania has an inland climate with a large temperature difference between day and night, which is suitable for the accumulation of nutrients in grapes. It also has an advantage in terms of cultivation and brewing. Especially in autumn, which is very long and warm, it is suitable for grape ripening and concentrated flavor. The wines that come out are fuller, with rich layers.

Third, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing process requires strict requirements. For oak barrels for aging wine, Romania cannot use saws to pull the interface of oak barrels; it cannot be nailed with iron nails; it cannot be glued with glue such as wood glue. It must be sealed with water reeds through a unique process, and matured by pure traditional techniques without adding medicine or any chemical ingredients. Traditional craftsmanship and storage methods combined with 100% grape juice have created high-quality wines.

Fourth, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON Red Wine Sharing truly realizes "wine fragrance is not afraid of deep alleys". Romania is committed to bringing wine to the international stage, so boutique wineries continue to emerge. They do not aim at producing mass table wine, but rather It is to strive to make the quality of wine higher, so the quality of wine is constantly improving.


Fifth, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that winemakers are constantly trying new winemaking styles. No matter which country, excellent winemakers aim to brew dry wine. The same goes for Romanian winemakers, who have worked their way up from sweet and semi-sweet wines to dry wines. Or bring more variety and style by blending New World modern styles with Old World traditional brewing methods.

Romanians call their country "the land of wine". Due to its high quality and unique craftsmanship, Romanian wine has repeatedly won gold and silver at world-wide wine exhibitions and competitions. The international reputation of Romanian wine is increasing day by day. Therefore, such Isn't wine producing country just a "Land of Hope"? The above Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared, welcome to communicate and share.