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How to make professional wine tasting notes?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that drinking wine can not only make you feel happy but also relax. The most important thing is to learn wine knowledge and make a professional wine tasting note. Not only can you improve your wine tasting ability, but you can also improve yourself day by day wine appreciation. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Writing more wine tasting notes is the best way to accumulate your wine knowledge.

Professional wine critics will write a wine review when they rate a wine, so that people can better understand a wine. Wine novices can also accumulate their own experience by constantly writing wine tasting notes and move towards a professional direction.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So, how to write wine tasting notes?

1. Visual recording. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that after the wine is poured out, the color, depth and clarity of the wine can be recorded by observing the wine. Red, white, pink, orange, purple...these are the colors of wine. If subdivided, red wine can present different hues, such as ruby, garnet, standard color, and purple. The shades of white wine are lemon, gold, amber, brown. Rosé wines have shades of pink, salmon, and copper. These basic colors can be divided into light colors, medium colors, dark colors, and light colors, such as light red, dark brown, and medium brown. After looking at the color, you can also see the state of the hanging glass of the wine, whether it is thick and viscous and falls slowly or light and fast, these are the most intuitive visual records.


2. Smell recording. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared whether the aroma of the wine is strong or elegant, and then recorded the type of aroma at the beginning, for example: the wine exudes the aroma of black berries and green peppers of Cabernet Sauvignon, and also has black plum, blackberry and other aromas. Aromas of , licorice, blueberry and mushroom. The second type of aroma produced by the brewing process, such as biscuit and bread aroma brought by yeast, milky aroma brought by lactic acid, or chocolate and other flavors brought by oak barrels. According to these aromas, record whether the state of the wine is a young wine or an old wine, so as to judge whether the wine is suitable for drinking or has passed the drinking period. In the notes, try to write down the most obvious to the least obvious taste, so that it can be compared with other wines of the same type later.

3. Taste record. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared how to feel the sweetness, acidity, tannin content and alcohol content of wine by staying in the mouth for a longer time. When recording, try to be as specific as possible, for example, use the astringency felt in the mouth to record tannin, the smooth feeling in the mouth to record the sweetness, the increase of saliva to record the strength of acidity, and the burning sensation in the throat to record the alcohol level high and low.

Fourth, aftertaste and summary. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine mainly records the overall conclusion after seeing, smelling and tasting, whether this wine is balanced and pleasant, and whether there are any particularly abrupt things (such as unfriendly taste or sour), so as to record this What level does the wine belong to, whether it is average, excellent, or very good.

Tasting notes are also a matter of personal preference, there is no right or wrong. People who like sour wine feel that it is good enough to taste sour, and those who like sweet wine can only be satisfied if they have enough sweet taste. However, as long as you taste more, drink more and record more, you will gradually become more professional, and the record of a wine will be more objective.

The above Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared, welcome to communicate and share.