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It is said that Croatia is a wine-producing country comparable to "Bordeaux"?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Croatia, formerly part of Yugoslavia and bordered by Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia, as well as Montenegro, has always been a wine-making region and has adopted EU-style wine regulations, which guarantee the quality of its wines.

The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that Croatia has a Mediterranean climate, with long and dry summers and short and windy winters. It has both suitable rain and sufficient sunshine, so it is very suitable for the growth and ripening of grapes.

Like France, Croatia has many production areas, and different production areas will be strictly labeled with subdivided production areas. Although the wine produced is not inferior to that of France, Italy and Spain, it has not been known to the world for a long time because of the weak publicity. Later, according to the American TV series "Game of Thrones", the virtual city "King's Landing" was filmed in Dubrovnik, a southern city in Croatia. The hit TV series made people passionate about the beauty and wine here.

The main red grape varieties in Croatia are Pravacmari, Telang, and Pravacmari wines are full-bodied, rich in taste, high in alcohol and tannins, slightly low in acidity, with blackberry, dark Aromas of cherry and pepper. The wines made by Trang have full-bodied aromas of forest berries, violets, smoked meat and game, with high tannin content, suitable for aging.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares white grape varieties such as Posip, Istasca Malvasia, and Jia Ke. Characterized by its crunchy taste and flavors of apple, vanilla, citrus fruit, and almond, Bospe is a grape variety that focuses on making fine wines. Istaska Malvasia is one of the most important white grape varieties in Croatia. It has a fresh taste, low alcohol content, and exudes aromas of anise, honey, apricot and spices.


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that Croatian wines have won many awards for their excellent quality. For example, in 2009 , in the annual wine selection held by the internationally renowned wine magazine " Decanter " , Croatian wines In 2010 , Croatia had 53 wine awards, and the number of awards was higher than that of the United States, Chile and New Zealand .

Therefore, friends who like wine, don’t stop exploring the wines of different countries in the world. For a wine-producing country like Croatia that is comparable to Bordeaux in France, you must learn more. Croatia also launched Friends who are interested in wines aged under the sea can learn more about this knowledge and see what kind of novel wines this new and unique method of operation can bring. The above Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared, welcome to communicate and share.