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Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing and learning the three-step method of ordering wine

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

How can a novice order red wine in a restaurant so that he is not timid and has a sense of ceremony? Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing is generally carried out from three aspects, namely wine bottle inspection, wine cork checking and wine tasting.

1. Test the bottle. Generally, after you order a sample wine, the waiter will show you the bottle. To ensure that it is the wine you ordered, although you have not seen the inside of the wine, observing the wine bottle is also an essential step. Because most of the wines look the same, if you don't look carefully, there is also the possibility of mistakes. If you order a bottle of old or expensive wine, you should pay more attention to details such as bottle volume, import label, sealing tin foil, etc. These details represent the quality and uniqueness of the wine you ordered.

2. Check the cork. The cork of a bottle of wine can be long or short, ranging from 4mm to 54mm . Generally, the most commonly used cork lengths are 44mm and 49mm . There are different materials for the cork. The cheapest is the polymer cork, which is made of oak. A wine cork with grains bonded together, not intended for aging wine. Mostly used for wines suitable for early drinking. The second is the filling cork, which is filled with cork powder in the gaps on the surface of the cork. The surface is smooth and has good airtightness, which is suitable for medium-quality wines. The third type is 1+1 cork, that is, there are oak particles in the middle and natural cork on both sides. Generally, this kind of cork is often used in champagne. The last type of polymer synthetic plug is similar to the screw plug. This kind of plug has good sealing performance and prevents micro-oxidation of the wine and the outside world. It is usually used for white wine or wine suitable for drinking when young. When the waiter pulls out the cork and puts it on a small tray or tablecloth for customers to check. In addition to looking at the material of the wine cork, it is also necessary to check whether the wine cork is polluted or too dry. If there are any of the above two conditions, it means that the wine is not stored well. For well-stored wine, the cork will generally be wet all over.

3. Sample wine. The sommelier will first pour a little wine into the customer's glass for tasting, and he will fill up the glass after the customer nods for confirmation. This is for the customer to judge whether the quality of the wine is acceptable. This wine tasting link is also a key step in testing whether the wine is contaminated. Because a bottle of wine will encounter various uncontrollable factors from the time it is launched to the consumer's glass, and then affect the quality of the wine. This change may be due to the excessive humidity of the air, causing the cork to have a wet cardboard and musty smell. Our nasal cavity is very sensitive to cork smell, so it is easy to recognize. Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared that in addition to cork smell, there is another kind of oxidative smell. If there is a pungent sour smell similar to apple cider vinegar, it means that this is a bottle of wine that has not been packaged and has been over-oxidized. If there are no unfriendly smells such as musty or vinegar when you sample the wine, you can signal the sommelier to pour the wine.


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