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What is a "perfectly ripe" grape? How does it affect winemaking?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Friends who often drink wine must have heard that the quality of wine is affected by "good years", and good years generally have several conditions, and grape maturity is one of them.


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Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shares that grapes with good maturity are called "perfect ripeness", which means that sugar and phenolic substances are ripe at the same time. Different grape varieties have different growth environments and geographical temperatures, so there will be differences in the production of each wine. If the grapes are perfectly ripe, the wine produced will be more acidic in the palate, because the tannins and alcohol content will be higher, and the taste will be more concentrated.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shares . Therefore, the winemaker will determine the harvesting period of the grapes based on the ripeness coefficient of the grapes, combined with the processing ability and conditions.

Most winemakers will pursue grapes that are close to "perfect ripeness", because the ripeness of the grapes affects the condensed sugar in the fruit, thereby determining the alcohol content of the wine, and high alcohol can increase the expression of flavor substances. In the same way, immature grapes will reduce the alcohol content, and the wine will have a green taste, which will affect the quality of the wine.

Grapes that are too ripe are not the pursuit of winemakers. If the acidity of the grape variety itself is not high, coupled with the influence of climate and light, the sugar content will rise too high and the acidity will decrease, which will inevitably lead to too much sugar and insufficient acidity. In general, the winery will choose to pick in advance and start brewing to ensure that the acidity can reach the desired ratio.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing In general, if you want to see whether the maturity of grape varieties is close to perfection, you must first choose high-quality grape varieties, secondly, conform to the local climate and terroir characteristics, and then according to the wine you want to brew The goal is to consciously cultivate grape varieties, and it is best to mature naturally. If the weather is not good, artificial intervention can also be chosen. While each person's harvesting strategy is as different as the wine they make, growers and winemakers have one goal in mind: a wine that exhibits a balance of elements. Whether or not the grapes are "perfectly ripe" in a given year, the challenges it presents make winemaking and viticulture an exciting, stressful and rewarding endeavor.


Bright vision: Yuncang Winery is committed to becoming the preferred supplier of red wine lovers. Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine supplies multiple series, multiple countries, and multiple price ranges, making the wine rich and diverse. It can be sold in a full box or in a single bottle. The full pipeline makes the cost lower. Reduce the resources of intermediate warehousing links and branch logistics warehousing, push them downwards, and increase the business of terminal logistics. Yuncang Winery distributes the money saved by multiple transportations to consumers. It can easily realize small profits but quick turnover, so that friends who love wine can drink high-quality red wine at wholesale prices.