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Is whiskey wine, what is the difference between them?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

As a kind of wine, whiskey is mostly stored in oak barrels, and its color can be dark or light, which creates an illusion for friends who don't know much about wine, thinking that whiskey and wine are the same thing. In fact, whiskey is not a wine made from grapes, but a distilled spirit made from fermented grains such as barley, wheat, corn, rye, etc.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing If you want to compare whiskey and wine, the differences between the two are as follows:

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.

Different raw materials : Wine can be classified as fruit wine, because the raw material for making wine is only grapes. The raw materials of whiskey are relatively complicated, such as corn, wheat and other grains, so whiskey is also called grain wine.

Different places of origin : wine grapes basically come from local grapes, the more advanced the wine, the more emphasis is on local grape varieties; Whiskey’s raw materials such as wheat and corn do not have this restriction, they can be local or from Different countries.

The fermentation process is different : both wine and whiskey belong to fermented wine. Wine is made by adding yeast to the raw material. The key to the process is "fermentation". After fermentation, it becomes wine, which is equal to one processing. The whiskey making process focuses on "distillation". It is the thermal processing of the fermented raw materials, and the water droplets formed by the condensation of water vapor are distilled wine. That is, the secondary processing of fermented wine.

The taste is different : Wine, especially red wine, needs to be served at room temperature without adding ice. But whiskey is to be drunk with ice. The flavor substances in wine are dissolved in water, and once ice is added, they will be diluted and affect the taste; the flavor substances in whiskey are very condensed, with high alcohol content, and ice cubes are needed to dilute these condensed flavors to make them more delicious. In addition, the fruity aroma of wine and the strong alcohol flavor of whiskey are the most obvious first features, and other aromas such as grains and plants can be tasted carefully.


The market is different : In our country, the recognition of wine is higher than that of whiskey, and the wine market is conservatively estimated to be 10 times the whiskey market. Wine has penetrated into the lives of common people, and whiskey is a new kind of alcoholic drink.

The price is different : Wine has become more and more affordable from the previous aristocratic style, and ordinary people can afford it, but whiskey still feels a bit "unattainable".