IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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The maturity of the grapes determines the body of the wine. What does the body of the wine mean?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared that the so-called wine body is not an objective concept, but a subjective concept. In the wine tasting vocabulary, it is called " wine body ", which refers to the wine formed by a person's taste buds. overall feeling. That is to say, the wonderful feeling that wine brings to the mouth, whether it is light or heavy, or thick or light.

To illustrate with a simple example, just like we drink milk every day, whole milk has a thick feeling in the mouth, which is equivalent to a heavy wine; skimmed milk has a light feeling in the mouth, which is equivalent to a light wine of wine.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing generally distinguishes the body of wine from the following aspects:

1. Alcohol content. The higher the alcohol content, the fuller and thicker the wine. Generally, wines with more than 13.5% are full-bodied; wines with 12.5-13.5% are medium-bodied; wines with less than 12.5% are mostly light-bodied wines.

2. The color of the liquor. Full-bodied wines are generally darker in color, and light-bodied wines are generally lighter in color. Both are red wines, Cabernet Sauvignon is darker in color and relatively heavier in body, Pinot Noir is lighter in color and relatively lighter in body; both are white wines, Chardonnay is darker in color and relatively heavier in body, and Sauvignon Blanc is lighter in color and relatively heavier in body. The color is lighter and the body is relatively light.

3. Hanging cup state. Heavy wines are easier to hang from the glass, and the tears are mostly viscous and slide down slowly; light-bodied wines are not easy to hang from the glass, and the tears are refreshing and slide down quickly.

4. Entrance feeling. Full-bodied wines are full-bodied and full-bodied, and can be described by words such as powerful, rich, and full. Light-bodied wines have a lean taste, which can be described by words such as thin, soft, and delicate.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared that when it comes to wine, radish and vegetables have their own preferences. Some people like light wines, while others prefer thick and full-bodied wines. This is the charm of wines, plump and light, each has its own style, but they are quite similar and indistinguishable.


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