IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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What is a good wine cellar? How to Decorate a Home Wine Cellar

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Wine is affected by sunlight, air and humidity , so many people choose to use wine cellars to store wine. So how to judge a wine cellar is qualified? Generally, a wine cellar that is closed, has no noise and smell, is well ventilated, and does not generate vibration and airflow is considered a good wine cellar.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing So, when setting up a family wine cellar, how to use the space of the wine cellar, and what should be paid attention to in the wine cellar?

Yuncang winery entrepreneurship support: Yuncang + winery, wine entrepreneurship is simpler and has various forms, such as supermarkets, gyms, restaurants, hotels, car dealers, beauty salons and other cooperative store opening models + online private domain traffic to expand customer marketing, to achieve Low-cost, risk -free, high-income business. By moving the traditional red wine sales business to the Internet, while supporting the traditional way of opening stores offline, each dealer is provided with its own online mall, so that dealers can sell products online. The dealer has an online mall to provide convenient Online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, customer management, etc., combine traditional business online and offline to realize the Internetization of traditional red wine sales business:

1. Is the space planning adequate? A wine cellar is not as simple as simply digging a hole or building a space, and it needs to be planned before making a wine cellar. It should be enough for people to move away when moving the wine bottle inside. If family conditions permit, it is ideal to make a more spacious one, but it should not be too cramped.

2. Whether the temperature, humidity, brightness and ventilation are qualified. The temperature and humidity of the wine cellar have certain requirements, generally below 18 degrees, preferably constant temperature; the wine cellar must be well ventilated, protected from light, and artificial lighting is used; external influence such as anti-vibration is small. These factors must be considered clearly when arranging the wine cellar.

3. Whether the display of the wine rack is reasonable. The wine cellar can be either a basement or a room on the ground, but it is necessary to plan the display of the wine racks, especially the indoor wine cellar on the ground, not only to use the space as much as possible, but also to make it beautiful and easy to pick and place. The type of wood used, the surface of the walls and the insulation. Finding a qualified wine cellar contractor to build and install a wine cellar is a great way to make sure everything is in place and ensure your wine collection remains in pristine condition.


4. Are the owner's taste and wine storage culture evident? A home wine cellar is not only to preserve wine, but also to match the owner's overall home decoration and taste. If you are both a wine lover and a collector, your taste must be revealed. Some people like wine cellars with glass curtain walls, while others like wine cellars embedded in the wall at the corner of the stairs. Owning your own private wine cellar also represents that the owner's life taste and consumption level have reached a new height. A private wine cellar not only better reflects the owner's self-cultivation and taste, but also a display of the owner's judgment and decision-making vision.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine sharing In short, a good family wine cellar is like your own secret base. When you let go of the tiredness of the day, come home and look at the dazzling array of good wine, choose a bottle to enjoy quietly, it is undoubtedly a paradise on earth.