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What is the first smell and second smell of red wine?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Wine tasting is divided into three steps, which are first sight, second smell, and third taste. The second smell includes the first smell and the second smell, so what are the first smell and the second smell?

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared the first smell and the second smell refer to the different perceptions of the aroma in the wine. Smell the aroma of fermentation and aging in the grapes. Commonly there are bread and nuts brought by fermentation. The aroma of aging will evolve over time to include jam, animal leather, mushrooms, and soil.

Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared the first smell. When the wine in the glass is still, you can bend down or put your nose into the mouth of the glass to smell the aroma. You can also pick up the wine glass without shaking it. This is the first smell. Generally, the first smell of wine is not used as a score, but only as the first sensory impression of the wine.


Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine shared the second smell is to shake the wine glass to release the deep wine aroma in the wine liquid. The first aroma this time comes from the contact between the wine and the air to promote the aroma. The second smell can be repeated to record the aroma. complex and rich.

There are also many wine tasting experts who still have three smells, that is, on the basis of the second smell, they continue to explore the secrets hidden in the taste of wine, so as to judge whether it is a defective wine or a high-quality wine. The wine is still old wine and so on.

The grape varieties selected for each bottle of red wine are different, the brewing methods and techniques are different, and the production areas are different, so the taste is different. But no matter what price the wine is, no matter what variety or country it comes from, the smell must make people feel comfortable and pleasant. If you smell something unacceptable in a bottle of wine, drink it carefully without compromising the quality.

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.