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Can wine still drink if there are mildew spots on the cork?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Some wines will find mildew on the cork when the tin foil is removed with a wine knife. When encountering this situation, everyone will definitely ask, "The cork is covered with mildew, can this wine still be drunk?"

Mold is a natural phenomenon. No matter what kind of food, if it is kept in a warm and humid environment for a long time, some green fluffy colonies will grow.


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared why the wine has mold spots?

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.

1. Storage environment. Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing It is well known that the best environment to preserve wine is constant temperature, constant humidity, ventilation and light avoidance. Cork wine needs to be placed horizontally or upside down to keep the cork moist and increase its elasticity. seal. If the wine cellar is damp, it is easy to cause mold to grow on the outside of the wine cork.

2. Insufficient cork treatment. Before bottling, wine producers will disinfect cork stoppers. If mold is attached to the surface of cork stoppers that have not been sterilized, after continuous absorption of nutrients and external humid environment, it is easy to cause cork mold.

3. Wine leakage. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared that some wine corks are relatively soft, and after a long period of storage and transportation, there will be leakage. Once the wine leaks, it is easy to provide water and nutrients for the growth of mold.


The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared how to measure whether a wine can be drunk after the cork is moldy, depending on the situation. As long as nothing changes inside the cork, it will not affect the quality of the wine at all. If mold spots appear on the inside of the cork after opening the bottle, the wine is no longer drinkable.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that some wineries are proud of the corks with mildew. Mold indicates that the storage conditions for aged wine are very ideal. Therefore, if there are only mildew on the outside of the cork, it is not good for the quality of the wine. If it has an impact, you can drink it with confidence.