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What are the table cultures of LEESON wine sharing wine?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing is not only for drinking alone, most of the wines have to be associated with the dining table. Whether it is a wine tasting conference with many people or a dinner party with few people, it is necessary to understand some wine table culture .

1. Wine glass. Wine connoisseurs believe that each wine is paired with a special wine glass to produce a distinctive aroma. For example, there are glasses for white wine, red wine glasses for Burgundy, sparkling wine glasses and brandy glasses. If you choose a matching wine glass before drinking, you can release the aroma more fully, which will undoubtedly increase the fun of drinking.

2. Table cloth. Wine has a need for color, so it is not suitable to use too fancy tablecloths on the table, it is better to use light-colored or white tablecloths. Western-style restaurant tablecloths usually require the tablecloth to be flat, with the front facing up, and the four corners drooping equally.


3. The order of serving wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing wine has dry and sweet types, refreshing and thick wine, so the order of serving wine is very important. In terms of the variety of wine served, it should be arranged in the order of light first, then heavy, first sweet and then dry, first white and then red; Yours sincerely.

4. Toast etiquette. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing wine is not like white wine, as long as a toast means a toast, wine is not very particular about always clinking glasses, the correct etiquette is to nod, you can take a sip at will, unlike white wine that requires Clink glasses and say a toast.