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Different winemaking cultures affect wine style

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

We usually eat Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. The same dish has different styles and cooking techniques in different regions, and the final flavor and taste are different. The same is true for the LEESON red wine sharing wine of Yuncang Winery . Different wine-making cultures will also affect the wine style. In the world of wine, there are also differences similar to "cuisines", that is, "old world culture" and "new world culture", and some people call them "old school" and "new school".

New World and Old World don't just represent geographical concepts, but also refer to flavor styles or winemaking philosophies. Specifically, there are the following differences:

1. The taste is different. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that if you use aroma to advertise wine, the aroma represented by New World is more bold and fruity, heavier barrels, and earlier drinking period; the style of New World is full-bodied , unrestrained, sweet, Ready to drink from the bottle. The aromas of the old world represent more subtle fruity flavors, more restrained barrels, and more potential for aging. Generally, most wines need to be decanted.

2. Different growth conditions. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared that the new world production areas are represented by Chile and Australia. Because the climate is colder, the grapes are immature and sour, so the style is more elegant and refreshing.

3. History and humanities are different. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares the long history of winemaking in the old world and has a deep understanding of the terroir and climate. Therefore, when making wine, it pays special attention to expressing the characteristics of a certain land itself, which is often called "terroir-driven". ; New World does not pay too much attention to the local characteristics, but is free to innovate and make wine according to one's own preferences.


4. Different philosophies. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing New World focuses on rational control, takes taste as the standard, first must be delicious, and then explores cultural characteristics; Old World focuses on nature and originality, takes culture as the standard, in addition to emphasizing that wine should be “good to drink” ", but also the inheritance of the humanistic spirit.