IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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Those little wine-related gifts?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing If you choose wine as a gift to your relatives and friends, in addition to choosing a wine carefully, if you match it with a small creative gift, it will bring a different surprise experience to your friends. What are some small gifts related to wine?

1. Electric bottle opener. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON Red Wine Sharing If you give red wine and an electric bottle opener at the same time, it seems to know wine and is very considerate, especially for those friends who don't know how to open a bottle, this small gift is in place.

2. Wine scented candles. In order to create a drinking atmosphere and a sense of ritual, people will light scented candles. There is a kind of candle with wine scent. Even if there is no room for drinking, the seductive scent of wine will linger. happiness.

3. Mulled wine pack. In winter, people like to drink a cup of warm mulled wine. If you don’t want to cook or can’t cook, if you happen to send a pack of mulled wine, it is undoubtedly a timely gift, and it will definitely make people feel very distracted.

4. Wine books. If a book that comprehensively introduces wine knowledge is also sent along with the wine, it will appear very connotative. Undoubtedly, it takes the matter of simple gift giving a few notches.


5. Customized wine labels. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares that people not only pursue fashion but also pursue individuality. Personally customized wine labels are one of the interesting little gifts. Those who get the gift will have the unexpected surprise of opening the box and winning the prize.

6. Wine gift certificates. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing gift coupon is old-fashioned but never out of date. It means that you spend one price and send two gifts to your friends, or you can give a gift coupon alone and let your friends choose their own wine.
