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Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared how to easily understand the classification of red wine?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares that there are many wine-producing countries, and there are many wines of different grades on the market. Even if there are classifications in terms of color, sugar content, wine body, and drinking time, it is for friends who have been involved in wine for a short time. Said that he still feels at a loss when faced with complicated wines.

Especially in foreign countries, the grading standards among the major wine-producing countries are not uniform, and the grades set by each country are also inconsistent. Some are divided into 4 grades, some are divided into 5 grades, and some are even divided into large grades and small grades. And like the United States, there is no statutory classification, which undoubtedly makes consumers confused when choosing wine.

Then, is there a simple and clear classification method for the sharing of LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery? Indeed, LEESON red wine’s original digital number classification is a way to classify wine without worrying about the brain. Human-style" wine selection experience.

There are many classification standards for wine in the world, such as French red wine grades, the first level is the legal production area wine, the second level is the fine production area wine, the third level is the regional table wine, and the fourth level is the daily table wine, etc. And so on, each is difficult to choose. Consumers need to have a certain understanding of English or French, and it is difficult to distinguish various series. The wine classification of LEESON red wine is very simple. Various numbers start with 1-9 , 1 is low in price, 9 The price is high. According to 8 price ranges, the price of red wine is graded, so that the choice is clear at a glance.

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing numbering red wine grading is absolutely different from the non-uniform red wine grading methods in foreign countries. It is more clear, simple and intuitive to operate. Once launched, it has been widely welcomed by consumers. Simple" wine selection method.

Although drinking red wine does not necessarily have to be classified according to grades, if you can understand wines of different grades, you will not only improve your understanding of wine, but also avoid stepping on pitfalls when buying and choosing wine. Especially for friends who are new to wine, if you are faced with a variety of wines on the market, and you don’t know what level of wine your budget corresponds to, and you don’t know how to find a wine that suits you, then you might as well try the numbered classification The LEESON red wine can save you a lot of time and embarrassment when you don't know how to choose wine while choosing wine clearly and simply.


Yuncang Winery is committed to becoming the preferred supplier of red wine lovers. Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine supplies multiple series, multiple countries, and multiple price ranges, making the wine rich and diverse. It can be sold in a full box or in a single bottle. The full pipeline makes the cost lower. Reduce the resources of intermediate warehousing links and branch logistics warehousing, push them downwards, and increase the business of terminal logistics. Yuncang Winery distributes the money saved by multiple transportations to consumers. It can easily realize small profits but quick turnover, so that friends who love wine can drink high-quality red wine at wholesale prices.


Label: LEESON868