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What should be the order of serving western food with red wine

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shares a full set of formal western food, including: appetizers and soups, fish, fruits, meat, cheese, desserts and coffee, fruits, as well as aperitifs and table wines. Of course, most people don't order too much when they go to eat Western food, let alone order all the dishes included in Western food.

Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So what order of serving is worth learning?

First came the appetizers. Whether it is Chinese food or Western food, it is the first step to open up the taste buds and appetite. The appetizer is a platter composed of vegetables, fruits, seafood or light meat. Appetizers are paired with aperitifs such as rosé, sparkling wine, sherry, etc.

Followed by soup. Soups in Western food include clear soup, cold soup, cream soup and vegetable soup, which are also a kind of appetizer before meals. For creamy soups, pair it with white wine, the acidity of which is a perfect combination with this type of soup, just to cleanse your palate and prepare it for the next meal. In the case of tomato soup, pair it with a medium tannic red wine to energize the palate.

The third is side dishes. The side dish in Western food is a transition between the appetizer and the main course, and this step can be omitted on less formal occasions. Generally, side dishes are mostly seafood, chicken or salmon, and most of them belong to the category of white meat. So it can be paired with dry white wine.


The fourth is the main course. The main course of western food is mostly delicate meat, such as steak, grilled ribs, baked lobster and so on. Because the taste of the main course is mostly full-bodied, the wine paired with it should also be a dry red wine with full-bodied and heavy tannins.

The fifth is salad. It usually appears as a match with the main course, and it is mostly composed of vegetables, such as Waldorf salad, fresh vegetable salad, etc. Some use sauce, some don't, and the overall taste is light. It can be eaten with the main course, so the choice of wine should be matched with the main course.

The sixth is dessert. In Western food, the dessert at the end of the meal is regarded as the highest courtesy for entertaining guests. Common desserts include ice cream, pudding and fruit. Dessert wines can be paired at this time, such as port wine, sherry wine, ice wine and noble rot wine with common desserts.


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