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How do you pair red wine with sashimi?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

 Sashimi is simply understood as sashimi, a traditional food from Japan, and one of the more famous Japanese dishes. Sashimi is to use special knives to cut most sea fish into slices, blocks, and strips, and eat them raw with sauce.

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The production of sashimi requires "natural color, delicious taste, various forms, and excellent utensils", and the harmony and unity of color, aroma, taste, and utensils. The selection of ingredients and cooking methods are in line with the seasons, focusing on freshness and the original way of eating food.

For sashimi with fresh seafood as the main species, how to pair wine with raw food can best test the wine selector's understanding of the ingredients themselves.


1. Purely raw sashimi generally has a unique sweet taste, firm and crisp meat, and is suitable for pairing with sparkling wine or sweet wine. If it is tuna and salmon with high fat content, it should be paired with medium-bodied wine and alcohol content Plenty of white wine.

2. Fried or grilled seafood, because seasoning and oil are added to the original umami taste, it has a different taste, so it needs to be enjoyed with light-bodied, high-acid white wine. You can choose aroma-rich wine to match with food.

3. Seafood seasoned with sauces, with sweet, sour or spicy taste. Dishes seasoned with sweet and sour sauces are suitable for pairing with slightly sweet wines; for foods that have been dipped in soy sauce and have a strong salty flavor, it may be good to pair them with some soft red wines that also have salty flavors. Effect.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that no matter which way you choose to eat sashimi, the easiest way is to prepare a bottle of classic white wine, which can usually be paired with it.