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The LEESON red wine brand of Yuncang Winery shared white wine and red wine, how to serve with dishes

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

In most of the wine tables in our country, white wine is still the main one. Although red wine is favored by many people, in order to cater to the tastes of most people, there will be two kinds of wine, white wine and red wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So when there are both white wine and red wine, how to accompany the dishes?

A basic principle of wine and food pairing is to make the characteristics of food and wine "consistent" or "contrasted with each other". Mutual consistency refers to the similar texture, flavor and taste of food and wine; mutual contrast refers to the matching of food and wine with opposite taste and texture.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing liquor is divided into sauce-flavored, light-flavored, and strong-flavored types. Red wine is divided into dry white, dry red, and sweet. Different dishes are selected according to different aroma types.

Maotai-flavored baijiu can be paired with delicious dishes, such as steamed seafood and light vegetarian dishes. The umami of these dishes and the mellowness of Maotai-flavored baijiu can have a contrasting effect. It is also a light dish, and those who do not like to drink white wine can choose dry white wine. The sourness of white wine can complement light and savory dishes, and it can also present a different taste bud experience.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares the fragrance type baijiu itself with a light and elegant style, so it should not be paired with dishes that are too greasy or too strong. It can be paired with dishes with a refreshing taste, such as vegetarian three delicacies, vegetarian brocade vegetables, boiled chicken, etc. In order to avoid light wine being overwhelmed by strong dishes. The same is true for the choice of wine. If it is a very refreshing dish, it can be paired with semi-dry, sweet red wine or rosé wine.


The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shares the strong-flavored baijiu with strong style, strong style and high alcohol content. Drinking this kind of baijiu should be paired with heavy oily and heavy-tasting dishes, such as Hunan cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, various barbecues, stewed meat . In the same way, rich-flavored dishes need to be paired with dry red wine with high tannin content. In this way, the deliciousness of the dishes and the aroma of the wine can complement each other; secondly, there is enough oil and water in the stomach to protect it, so it is not easy to get drunk. Also good for health.

LEESON Red Wine suggests that several types of light-flavored and heavy-bodied white wines and red wines can be prepared on the table for guests to use freely, so that everyone can take this opportunity to experience the fun of food-wine pairing.