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Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared what factors will make the wine go bad?

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

We all say that wine is alive, it will change the flavor of the wine body with the passage of time, of course, some deficiencies or defects will inevitably appear in the course of its life. Some wines are originally normal, but they are artificially or affected by other factors during the storage process, and become a bottle of bad and spoiled wine. What factors can cause wine to go bad? The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared.


There are many reasons for the deterioration of wine, the most common are the following aspects:

1. Cork pollution. Wine cork taint is known as the second defect of wine. We often smell damp cardboard with cork tainted wine. If you encounter such a situation when you open the bottle, you can alleviate this unpleasantness by placing it in a decanter the taste of.

2. Temperature. Temperature plays a vital role in the tasting and storage of wine. The temperature is divided into drinking temperature and storage temperature. The best storage temperature is 14-16 degrees. The appropriate temperature is more conducive to the aging of wine. If the temperature is too high It will make the wine age quickly, losing its original bright color and complex aroma.

3. Oxidation. Excessive oxidation is a disaster for wine. Wine will be slightly oxidized during the brewing process, which is beneficial to wine, which can reduce the dryness of wine and increase the aroma. But excessive oxidation will make wine go bad. Polyphenols and anthocyanins in wine are easily oxidized. Oxidation will degrade these beneficial ingredients. If it is white wine, it will turn yellowish brown, and red wine will turn dark brown. . The original aroma of the wine will also change from the previous fruity and floral aromas to the sour taste of rotten apples.

4. Sulfur pollution. Sulfur substances will be added to wine during the brewing process. If excessive addition will cause sulphide pollution, wine contaminated by sulphurization will have a pungent smell after opening the bottle, which will smell like rotten eggs or rubber. In this case, it can be Pour the wine into a decanter to evaporate the sulfur compounds.

5. Microbial contamination. Wine is the product of microbial activity, and the winemaking process is the process of controlling these microbial activities. However, certain yeasts may become the black apple of the winemaking process, and some foreign microorganisms may also pollute the brewing environment. Wines contaminated by microbes tend to have off-flavors, such as herbal, animal, and other unpleasant flavors.

The above brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery is shared.


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