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5 correct postures for drinking red wine , no longer have to worry about dinner parties

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

 Everyone often drinks red wine when they have dinners, dates or celebrations outside. If you understand red wine etiquette, you will look professional. If you don’t understand red wine etiquette, you will be embarrassed if you make a joke. We can talk about the five correct postures in the whole process from pouring to drinking. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared.

1. Pour wine. If there is no professional sommelier service nearby, it is usually just pouring wine for each other. If you are pouring wine for someone else, the basic action is to hold the bottle in one hand and hold the wine glass in the other. In order to show respect for others, you have to get up to pour wine, and you can pour wine gracefully and generously. Simple actions can add points for yourself. If someone else is pouring the wine for you, thank you with a smile and words when the wine is handed over. Generally poured wine is 1/3 glass for red wine, 1/2 glass for white wine, and 4/3 glass for sparkling wine. The wine should be poured evenly, so as not to pour out the substances deposited in the wine bottle, which will affect the aesthetic feeling and taste.

2. Toast. The part of toasting can reflect a person's self-cultivation very much. Two points should be paid attention to in the part of toasting, namely smile and sight. A smile is very contagious, it can make the other person have a good impression of you, and it will also make you appear elegant and decent. When toasting, the height of the wine glass should not exceed your line of sight, because you need to look at each other when toasting to show respect.

3. Drink alcohol. Unlike beer and white wine, red wine cannot be poured heavily, and it is not advocated to do it first. You need to keep your head straight, drink in small sips, and don't drink it all at once. It is etiquette to always leave a little wine in the glass. When drinking, it is not allowed to look at people through the glass while drinking, to drink while talking while holding the glass, to print lipstick on the rim of the glass, etc. These are all rude behaviors.

4. Put the cup. The placement of wine glasses is also particular. The correct order on the table is that the red wine glass is on the right and the water glass is on the left. In this way, it is very comfortable when holding and putting red wine without turning over the water glass.

5. Raise your glass. Dinner parties are usually occasions where there are many people. It is inevitable that others will toast to you. If you are too strong to drink, you don’t have to drink. Just raise your glass and keep smiling as a signal. Most people will understand that the other party cannot drink, and will return the gesture to signal that it is over.

The above brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery is shared.


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