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Increase your knowledge ! Let’s take a look at the red wine etiquette that you may use

TIME:2023-02-28POPULARITY:Author: 小编

People can't stand if they are rude, and etiquette promotes the basis of people's communication. In wine culture, etiquette is even more essential. Take a look at the following simple etiquette, which must be used when you drink red wine. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared.

1. Confirm the wine type. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that choosing wine before drinking is a necessary step. Whether it is recommended by Xiaobai or a professional sommelier chooses wine by himself, knowing how to choose wine will not make a joke. When the waiter stands in front of you, it is to let you confirm whether the selected red wine is correct. The correct etiquette at this time is to check the origin, year and winery information on the wine label. These three points are the same, in order to avoid the embarrassment of taking the wrong wine.

2. Confirm the cork. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shared that professional sommeliers will open the wine in front of all the guests. This is to let customers trust that they will not shoddy when opening the bottle . The waiter will put the corks on the plate for the guests to check. At this time, you have to observe the state of the wine cork correctly, whether it is dry with residue or wet and wrinkled, whether it is a normal oak smell or an unfriendly smell. These small details can often determine whether a wine is in better condition. If it turns out to be bad, you can politely ask the bartender to make a replacement.

3. Try drinking. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON Red Wine shared that don’t underestimate this step. It often tests whether the taster understands the key steps of red wine etiquette. The waiter will pour a small sip of wine for the guests to taste the wine . Your correct approach is to pick up the wine glass, tilt it outward, observe the body of the wine, then tilt the wine to the tip of the nose, lower your head and sniff to confirm whether there is any peculiar smell. Finally, take a sip and turn your tongue to taste. If there is any abnormality, you can ask for a change or refund of the wine.

4. Drink. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that when you start drinking red wine, you should politely look into your glass instead of looking at the face of the person who is talking to you . At the same time , don't make the sound of "gargling" and "tsk tsk" when drinking. Try to drink in the same position of the wine glass, which is beautiful and professional, and those who love beauty must remember.


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