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Yuncang Winery recommends Chilean wines for you

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

When it comes to Chilean wine, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you share the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery? Is it cost-effective, or is the import rate high? Indeed, for most wine lovers, the most friendly thing about Chilean wine is its cost-effectiveness. Now it has rushed to the top of the domestic imported wine, and the import volume far exceeds that of French wine.

If you want to drink a Chilean wine, how should you choose it? Yuncang Winery has the most say in this aspect, because Chile accounts for 30% of the foreign wines represented by Yuncang Winery .

Chilean wines only gradually entered the world in the 1990s, benefiting from the advantages of low tariffs, high quality, and unique taste, and are loved by the public . Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON Red Wine shares that Chile is one of the representatives of wine-producing countries in the New World. It has a unique terroir and climate and ancient brewing techniques. The wines produced have both European traditions and South American flavors.

Then, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing from which aspects to choose Chilean wine?

1. Look at fame. If the budget is high, you can choose Chile’s 18 Arhats, which are Living Soul (from Maipo Valley, Cabernet Sauvignon-based Bordeaux blend), Ganlu Mojue (Cabernet single-variety red wine ), Coronet Sauvignon (Pinot Noir), Montes Alfa (Bordeaux blend), Montes Fouler (Syrah), Chadwick (Cabernet Sauvignon), Sanya, Skyhawk, Temple d'Or, Carmen Gold Label , Weimaraner 1 , etc.

2. Look at the production area. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that there are two very famous producing areas in Chile, namely the Central Valley and Aconcagua. Several wines among the Chilean Eighteen Arhats come from Aconcagua, and most of the high-end and reserved Chilean wines with the 6 prefix number of Yuncang Winery come from the Central Valley . Malbec, the oldest and most famous wine-growing region.

3. Look at the variety. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares Chile's most representative grape varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Syrah, and white grape varieties Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. Chilean wines will indicate the wine grapes used on the wine label. If the grape variety is indicated on the wine label, at least 75% of the wine grapes are of that variety; if the year is indicated, at least 75% of the wine grapes were picked from that year .

4. Look at the grade. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON Red Wine Sharing Although Chile is not as strict as France’s grade system, the grades are also marked on the wine label, including variety wine, reserve grade, special reserve grade, family reserve grade, and supreme limited grade. For the same winery, the higher the level, the better the quality of the wine.

The reason why Chilean wine is loved by more and more people is that in addition to its outstanding quality and unique taste, the excellent cost performance is another major feature of Chilean wine. If you spend the same price, if you buy ordinary wine from other countries, you can buy Chile's relatively high-end wine. Therefore, the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery shares with friends who like wine, you must not miss Chilean wine.


Yuncang Winery takes the lead in advocating the new trend of "civilized, healthy and rational drinking". Drinking is not for showing off, let alone for comparison, but to achieve a healthy and civilized consumption trend while obtaining spiritual satisfaction and sensory enjoyment. Whether it is a wide variety of red wines or unique white wines, we will bring ecological wines to consumers, provide partners with best-selling, long-selling, and profitable products; build a beautiful business platform for distributors, and create value for shareholders. Contribute responsibility to the society, be a conscientious enterprise, and sell quality wine.

Label: Yuncang Winery