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Yuncang winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared what is orange wine?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

 There is an orange wine in wine, curious friends will ask, is this color wine made of oranges

? Why else would wine be like orange juice? Yuncang Winery will take you to learn more about this peculiar wine bar.

    Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.

Orange wine is actually a kind of white wine with the color of orange juice. It is a white wine fermented with grape skins, grape seeds and grape juice. The tannins and other flavors in the wine are very similar to red wine. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares that the lignin in the grape seeds will dye the wine into a deep orange.

There are not many orange wine production areas. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing is mainly concentrated in northeastern Italy and Slovenia. In recent years, orange wine has also appeared in Chile, South Africa and other countries.

Orange wine is yellow and deep orange in color, with aromas such as jackfruit, apple, and honey. The style of the wine is strong and full-bodied, with a grand structure and obvious tannins, and it has the same refreshing taste as fruit beer. Orange wine not only has the aroma of white wine, but also has the texture and tannin of red wine, so it is a test of the brewing process.


When white grapes are brewed, the grape juice is separated from the skins and stems, while orange wine needs to soak the skins, stems and juice together to extract the color, tannin and flavor substances in the skins. And in the brewing process, we advocate the "natural" brewing method, use wild yeast, limit the addition of artificial yeast, etc., so as to ensure the purest and authentic characteristics of the grapes.

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON Red Wine shares that the production of orange wine in the world is very small at present, because it combines the dual characteristics of white wine and red wine, and it is very extensive in food matching. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing can be paired with unrestrained food or rich food, such as various meats, and even with some spicy food, it also has a good performance.


Label: Yuncang Winery