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Noble rot, why is it a wine sweeter than love?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Those who have tasted the sweetness of love will have a deep understanding, and noble rot wine is known as the wine that is sweeter than love. Noble rot wine is a combination of nobility and mystery, high acidity and high sweetness, which can be called a gift from God.

So, how does Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine share the sweetness of noble rot wine?

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery, that is, an online + offline wine sales platform. There are not only offline business entity wineries all over the country, but also online procurement. The concept of Yuncang Winery is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine. It has truly realized the transfer of traditional business online, offline experience and online ordering, and opened up a full-channel business model.

First comes from the concentration of sugar. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared that noble rot fungus bites small holes in the ripe grape skins to reproduce at night. In warm days, the water in the grapes will evaporate from these small holes and become concentrated, and the concentration of sugar will increase. This provides an excellent sugar base for the subsequent brewing of sweet wines.

Secondly, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares noble rot bacteria to add flavor to the grapes. Under the action of noble rot, the grapes add aromas such as honey, beeswax, and dried fruit in addition to their own aromas, and the final wine will be sweeter, smoother, and more complex.

Thirdly, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares natural sweetness rather than artificial addition. The sweetness and richness of noble rot wine is not only the gift of nature but also the patience of wine growers. These highly concentrated grape juices and rare noble rot bacteria make the unique sweetness of noble rot wine, not by adding sugar artificially.


Although noble rot wine belongs to the category of sweet wine, the grapes used to make the wine are high-acid varieties. Whether it is Semillon in Bordeaux-Sauternes or Riesling in Germany, these grapes are characterized by high acidity.

The grapes infected with "noble rot bacteria" used in noble rot wine will further concentrate the sugar and increase the sweetness, so high acidity is needed to adjust to achieve the balance of wine body and flavor. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares the high acidity behind the high sweetness of the wine, because the wine pays attention to the balance of acidity and sugar, and the high sweetness makes the high acid taste less prominent.

Botrytis wines can be paired with cheese or desserts, or drink neat. Regardless of whether you want to add something or not, it is best to drink it chilled, the flavor will be more unique.