IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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Does the LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery have a degree to become a winemaker ?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing wine is full of beautiful things in eyes and diverse styles, which is inseparable from the winemaker's credit. And wine making is not only a job, but more like a lawyer, accountant, etc. is a science degree. Both domestic public universities and many international universities have opened food processing majors and brewing majors. To become a professional and qualified winemaker, one must obtain a national winemaker degree. Therefore, the more professional title of a winemaker should be: a scholar who is familiar with wine science.

The major of wine making is based on chemistry, biology and engineering, and is an interdisciplinary and comprehensive discipline that studies modern high-quality wine brewing technology, appreciation art and applied technology.

There is a special degree in France, a well-known wine country, Diplôme National d'Oenologue National Winemaker Diploma, which is a master's degree. It accepts undergraduate applications for biology, plant or chemistry-related majors. There are only five public universities in France.

Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares the acquisition of a winemaker’s scientific degree, which is divided into two types: technical and non-technical:

Technical type : including grape planting, wine brewing, focusing on the relationship between the characteristics of different grape varieties and soil, geographical environment and which brewing process to create more wonderful wine. After obtaining a technical degree, the direction of work is winemaker, technical research, laboratory research, etc.

Non-technical type : The focus is on wine trade and management. In addition to learning basic wine knowledge, characteristics of grape varieties, styles of different wines, and market development trends, they will also learn wine-related marketing and management courses, and be able to promote wine. to different consumer markets.

Whether it is technical or non-technical, once you have obtained a winemaker science degree, you can work as a wine taster, importer and exporter, wine reporter, training lecturer, and wine-related tourism industry according to your own knowledge and development direction It will be all right.


Winemakers In addition to wine winemakers, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing also includes winemakers such as liquor and beer. To become an excellent winemaker requires a lot of experience and knowledge. I hope that every friend who becomes a winemaker can gain a steady stream of talent and happiness in the field of wine he likes.

Yuncang winery entrepreneurship support: Yuncang + winery, wine entrepreneurship is simpler and has various forms, such as supermarkets, gyms, restaurants, hotels, car dealers, beauty salons and other cooperative store opening models + online private domain traffic to expand customer marketing, to achieve Low-cost, risk-free, high-income business. By moving the traditional red wine sales business to the Internet, while supporting the traditional way of opening stores offline, each dealer is provided with its own online mall, so that dealers can sell products online, and dealers have an online mall to provide convenient products. Online services such as display, ordering, statistics, customer management, etc., combine traditional business online and offline, and realize the Internetization of traditional red wine sales business .