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What are the taboos for food and wine pairing? These little knowledge are very important

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

People are born with a primitive love for food, so after the wine entered the market, people have also deduced a new level of matching wine and food. The brand LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery shared that not all food and wine are suitable for pairing. We also need to know some little knowledge about wine pairing. Medicine and food come from the same source. Our broad food culture also pays attention to the mutual generation and restraint of food. Foods that grow together are good for health, and foods that inhibit each other are best avoided. Only in this way can we enjoy the beauty of wine and avoid some unsuitable diets.


1. Avoid vinegar. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that the wine itself contains tannin and fruit acid. A small amount of apple and lemon acid will not have much impact on the wine. Too pungent acetic acid is not friendly to wine. If you drink wine with food containing vinegar or eat vinegar directly, it will bring a bad experience to the taste system.

2. Avoid pickled and smoked high-salt and greasy foods. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared that people generally like to marinate high-salt foods such as bacon and bacon during Chinese New Year. This kind of food often appears on the table as an appetizer. Bacon contains excessive nitrite At the same time, it is very greasy, and it can be mixed with wine to increase its solubility. At the same time, too greasy food will affect the taste of wine and affect the health of the body.

3. Avoid persimmons. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing persimmons are very popular in terms of color and taste, but persimmons have many taboos in the diet. They cannot be eaten on an empty stomach or paired with wine, because persimmons contain a lot of tannic acid , Under the action of alcohol, it will form clots with the protein in the stomach, which will affect digestion and increase the burden on the stomach.

4. Avoid potatoes. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shares that sweet potatoes and purple potatoes are considered to be the foods with the highest dietary fiber content, but they are very easy to cause excessive gastric acid during the digestion process, resulting in symptoms of heartburn and abdominal discomfort. If you drink red wine while eating sweet potatoes and purple potatoes, it will react with stomach acid and cause more serious symptoms of stomach discomfort.

5. Avoid durians. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares durian, a highly nutritious fruit known as the "Queen of Fruits", with its unique aroma and smell, and at the same time, it has a super sweet and greasy feeling. If it is paired with red wine, it will affect the taste of red wine. At the same time, durian contains a lot of sulfur. Eating it with alcoholic beverages will affect the liver's absorption of alcohol, making it easy to get drunk. The above is a sharing of LEESON red wine from Yuncang Winery. Welcome everyone to communicate.

So, avoid these foods when drinking red wine, and enjoy the fun of red wine.