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Which is better, blended wine or single grape variety red wine?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Many people have doubts. When choosing a wine, should it be a blend or a single grape? Regarding this issue, LEESON Red Wine will talk to you in detail.

There is no standard answer to this question, because there are high-quality wines regardless of single brewing or blending, and the quality of wine cannot be distinguished by the way of brewing. Judging whether a wine is good or not is to find the feeling that remains on the taste buds, and the wine that suits your taste is a good wine.

Single-vintage refers to wines made with no less than 75% of a single variety of grapes, often used for single-vintage grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot, etc. Single wine has high requirements on the quality of grapes. If the grapes are not mature enough, the wine produced will expose many shortcomings. Only very high-quality grapes can stand alone. For example, Burgundy red wine is made from 100% "Pinot Noir".

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing blend refers to wine made with at least two different grape varieties. Blending is not to mix two wines together, but to press different grapes separately, and then blend them together in a certain proportion according to the winemaker's wishes.

Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So is it single-brewed or blended?

Single-vintage wine can show the style of a certain grape variety and the local climate and terroir where the grape is grown. It does not have too complicated a structure. Characteristics, mastering the aroma of a certain grape variety, judging their tannin, acidity, etc., are very helpful for advancement. LEESON special series of wines, you can find individual wines with distinctive personality. Such as LEESON 799 South African Pinotage dry red wine, LEESON 766 Moscato sweet white wine, etc.


Blended wines will be richer in taste by adding different grapes. For example, after adding Merlot to a rich Cabernet Sauvignon, the taste will become very soft. The brewer will refer to the climate and terroir of each year, and configure the proportion of grapes according to the characteristics of the grapes produced in that year, so as to create a wonderful blended wine. The 369 Argentine dry red and 399 Spanish dry red of LEESON value series are high-quality blended wines. Blended wines have very complex aromas and fuller body. Many famous old world wines are blended wines.

Whether you are looking for individual wines that are fresh and lively, or you like complex and mellow blended wines, LEESON red wine recommends that you try more and use your taste buds to find your favorite wine