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Why do girls like Moscato wine? Recommend LEESON 766

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Moscato (Moscato) is one of the noble grape varieties in Italy. Many girls who resist wine are the ones who have opened the door to a new world by Moscato, and as long as they drink it, they will exclaim and buy a box. . Moscato, also known as muscat grape, is a white grape variety with a long history and the most representative white grape variety in Piedmont, mainly used to brew sparkling wine and micro sparkling wine. High in sugar, the flesh is firm and juicy, with a fragrant floral and sweet fruity aroma. Typical aromas include lemon, linden, orange, etc.

Main types of Moscato:

1. Sparkling wine. The most famous is Moscato d'Asti, a small sweet water from the Piedmont region of Italy . It is slightly sweet, low alcohol, and slightly sparkling.

2. Still wine. Dessert wine without sparkling, mainly Spanish Moscato ( Moscatel ).

3. Niche wine. Moscato from Greece. Greece is not famous for its rich wine, so good wine is very cost-effective. Greek Muscato is fermented from dried grapes. With an alcohol content of 15 %, it tastes full-bodied and belongs to aromatic liqueur.


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shares LEESON 766 Mostoca sweet white wine, which comes from Chile's Central Valley, with an alcohol content of 12.5 degrees, and has become one of the girls' favorite white wines. This Moscato hits the face with the typical Chilean "Moscato aroma", presenting flavors such as honey, turmeric, orange blossom, almond and citrus, leaving a pleasant fruity and floral aroma in the mouth, giving A sense of freshness and purity.

In terms of food matching, 766 Moscato wine has a clear and sweet taste, so it can not only match with various cheeses and cereals, but also with very difficult spicy dishes, such as Asian dishes. It's her cuteness.