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Why is French wine so popular?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Many friends have expressed their feelings. There are tens of millions of imported wines. Why can French wines monopolize the global market and are so popular among consumers? Indeed, most people will choose French wines whether they are gift giving or gatherings during festivals. So, how did the status of French wine as the "big brother" come into being?

Recently, Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers shared that first of all, France has a long history of grape cultivation. The history of grape planting in France has been developed for several centuries , and it is first-class in terms of grape planting and brewing techniques as well as the formed wine culture .

Secondly, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine is strictly controlled by French laws and regulations . Where the laws and regulations are strict , it can play a very good role in regulating the quality of wine , which also makes the French Bordeaux grade handed down to this day.

Thirdly, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares the unique planting terroir and climate. The key factors that determine the quality of wine are grape varieties, climate, soil, humidity , etc. The same grape variety behaves differently in different countries. France has a very good terroir and climate, so that the ripeness of the grapes, sugar content and other aspects are excellent, so that good wines can be produced .


Fourth, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares the appellation of origin wine. As the most famous producing area in France , Bordeaux is not only a place name , but also a famous business card in the wine industry . Bordeaux produces the most wine every year and has the highest proportion of total exports, which not only drives economic growth in France , but also expands its international reputation.

Fifth, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON wine sharing French wine has become a major part of the culture . Wine culture has penetrated into all aspects of French religion, politics, culture, art and life , and is closely related to people's lives . As a major political, economic and cultural country in the world , French wine culture also affects the lifestyle and cultural taste of people all over the world. Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.


Label: LEESON   Yuncang Winery