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What does Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine share Bordeaux regional wine mean?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

What is Bordeaux wine ? Regarding this question , recently, wine lovers of Yuncang Winery brand LEESON shared that friends who don’t know much about wine will think that this must be a high-end wine. In fact , this is just the entry model for Bordeaux . No matter how well-known a wine producing area is , it cannot be all top-notch wines. It not only produces the most high-end wines, but also produces a large number of ordinary low-priced table wines. Just like we usually buy a car , ordinary, entry- level cars cost about 100,000 yuan, mid-level cars cost around 200,000 yuan, mid-to-high-end models cost around 300,000-400,000 yuan, and luxury cars cost more than 500,000 yuan .

The same is true for wines from the Bordeaux production area . Wines from large regions are basic entry- level wines, and wines like Lafite are top- level luxury wines.

the Bordeaux region can meet the consumption level of ordinary consumers , just like the reason that there are at most basic cars on the market . For people who don’t drink wine often and don’t know much about wine , the quality of regional wines is already very good . It has a rich taste, typical aroma and comfortable tannins . In addition, those top Bordeaux wines, because of their long age , the complex flavors of tobacco and leather in the wine are not friendly to wine novices , unlike Bordeaux wines with a good taste. The smell of flowers and fruits is sweet, simple and easy to drink .


Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shared how to judge whether it is a regional wine? In the wine label of Bordeaux wine, if "Appellation Bordeaux contrôlée" appears , this is the Bordeaux region wine, or there is only one word "Bordeaux" in the middle of the wine label , which also refers to the Bordeaux region wine.

If you are a senior wine drinker with strong strength and rich gold, you can choose any level of Bordeaux wine. If you have just stepped into the door of wine , Bordeaux Grand Regional wine is a very good choice , economical and affordable without pressure , the most important thing is quality , it is most suitable for us ordinary people.

Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.