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Bordeaux, a legendary wine region

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

When it comes to the " Bordeaux region " , people will think of the well-known Lafite and Margaux produced here . There are so many production areas , why is Bordeaux known as the most legendary production area ?

Recently, LEESON wine lovers of the Yuncang winery brand shared that Bordeaux’s majestic castle, magnificent wine gardens , endless Garonne River, clear water and blue sky form a beautiful picture , known as a paradise for wine. But the earliest Bordeaux production area was only given to the United Kingdom as a dowry .

The legend of the Bordeaux region comes from a royal marriage in Europe in the 12th century. Bordeaux is located in the west of France and was originally the capital of the Principality of Aquitaine . The Duke of this Principality had no sons. After the Duke died , his daughter, the beautiful Princess Eleanor , succeeded to the throne. Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that whoever married the princess at that time meant that he could inherit the wealth and territory of the Principality of Aquitaine. This incident caused a sensation in European countries , and the princes and nobles began to eye the beautiful princess and wealth of the Principality of Aquitaine . After everyone's competition, finally Louis VII of France married the princess. The princess brought the Principality of Aquitaine to France , but her husband was devoted to Christ and indifferent to love and marriage, so they soon announced their divorce. Eleanor later married the successor to the throne , Prince Henry II of England , as her second husband. At that time, people admired Henry II very much, because he brought Britain to the top of the world . People also liked Princess Eleanor very much at the time , especially when big capitalists began to enter the Bordeaux area on a large scale , building castles and investing in the wine industry . It was at that time that Bordeaux wine became famous and brought overseas by the British colonists .


Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine shared that during the British rule , Bordeaux wine became a part of British culture and continues to this day. It is this special relationship with Bordeaux that when Britain became the empire on which the sun never sets , the British brought Bordeaux wine to the world, making Bordeaux famous all over the world.

Later, Britain and France engaged in melee , and fought intermittently for the Hundred Years War between 1337 and 1453. France finally won the victory in 1453 and took back all the land in Britain , including Bordeaux . Since then , Bordeaux has become the most classic production area in France . And after continuous development , it has become the wine capital of France and the world.

This is the legend of Bordeaux . Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.