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What is winery classification, and what is the French winery classification?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Different wine countries have different classification systems. Friends who are familiar with French wine know that in addition to the AOC system, France also has a classification system for wineries . Generally, wineries are classified according to their prestige , historical origin , product quality and price . This is also an affirmation of the quality of the winery . Recently, LEESON wine lovers of Yuncang winery brand shared that how French wineries are classified , we will explain clearly today .

As one of the representatives of wine countries in the old world, France has a long- standing grading system, and wineries in each AOC also have a different grading system, which is the grading of wineries . The most famous is the 1855 winery classification system.

In 1855, the system of Médoc classified wineries established the international status of French listed wineries. Through the 1855 Médoc classification , the excellent quality of the wines of the 61 famous wineries in France was ensured . in:

Level 1 : 5 : Chateau Lafite, Chateau Latour , Chateau Margaux , Chateau Mouton, Chateau Hauprion;

Level 2 14 : Chateau Bryan , Chateau Estour , Chateau Baucalon , Chateau Duhout , Chateau Golden Rose , Chateau Litujin, Chateau Lion , Chateau Barton , Bougainvillea Chateau Phillipine, Chateau Dream Rose, Chateau Pichon Baron, Chateau Pichon Duchess, Chateau Luchen Family, and Chateau Luxiange.

Level 3 : 14 wineries : Bekatana Winery, Kailong Family Winery, Kendall Brown Winery, Desmy Winery, Kirin Winery, Dixian Winery, Lagexi Winery, Philly Winery, Mermaid Winery , Chateau Laragon, Chateau Liguan , Chateau Liguan Barton , Chateau Marigot , Chateau Marquis, Chateau Palmer .

Level 4 and 10 : Dragon Boat Chateau, Banner Chateau, Doha Milon Castle, La Tour Carrie Chateau, La Colousi Chateau , Marquess de Dada Chateau, Baojue Chateau, Lixian Chateau , St. Pierre Chateau, Dabao Chateau .

Level 5 and 18 : Batley Winery, Bargave Winery, Carmensac Winery, Gardemey Winery, Clamillon Winery, Coslaboli Winery, Gobi Winery, Damai Winery , Chateau Duzac, Chateau Dutt, Chateau Ducasse, Chateau Lagos, Chateau Liberty Auberge , Chateau Aubatelli , Chateau Lynchberg, Chateau Longines Musa, Paterson Wine Chateau, Pontet- Canet.

The classification of these five levels of wineries , in addition to some changes in the market price of the first-level chateaux , some fifth-level chateaus have also reached the level of the second-level chateau. In any case , the overall level of the 1855 classified chateaux is still the same. Represents the top level of Bordeaux.

Later, in 1959 , Graff also selected 16 wineries, no longer distinguishing between different levels , and there is only one level, which is the classified winery .


Yuncang Chateau’s brand LEESON red wine sharing Compared with the listed crus, there are also middle crus in the Médoc , that is, “middle-class wineries”. The grading objects of the Bourgeoisie are those Médoc wineries that were not selected for the 1855 classification . The classification of Cru Bourgeois has been changing , and the number is not fixed. The Cru Bourgeois more reflects the quality of a certain winery in a certain year , rather than a specific winery. There are currently three classifications of Cru Bourgeois : Bourgeois, Premium Bourgeois , and Extra Bourgeois .

LEESON Red Wine reminds friends who like wine that although the grading system can more intuitively reflect the level of the winery, it is only a reference rather than an absolute one. Which winery’s wine do you like ? Have to try to know.