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Why is Chilean wine so cost-effective?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Recently, wine lovers from Yuncang Winery brand LEESON shared that if Chilean wines are given the most eye-catching label, it is undoubtedly "high cost performance". Although there are many types of wine in the global market, the wine-producing countries of the Old World and the New World have their own strengths. But if you ask which country is the best, there is definitely no definite answer. It is an indisputable fact that France is the leader in wine. However, French wine is generally expensive and not very close to the people. The advantages of Chile are very obvious. As one of the representatives of wine countries in the New World, not only the quality of its wines can closely follow that of French wines, but it is also known for its "super high cost performance", which makes wine lovers feel particularly distracted.

Many people have raised the question "Why are Chilean wines so cost-effective?" LEESON Red Wine reveals the reasons for this.

1. Zero tariffs. Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine shared that the Chilean wine industry is mainly for export, and exports to China are duty-free, while French wine tariffs are 14% , and Australia has a maximum tariff of 218% . If there are three more taxes The cost is superimposed, and the gap is even greater. At present, Chile's wine export volume to China has reached the third place in the world.

2. Low cost. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares Chile's natural soil structure and unique terroir and climate, which saves the time and cost of cultivating the land. In addition, the vineyard has a large planting area, and machinery and equipment can be used, so the production cost is relatively lower than that of labor. The fertilizer for the land is an organic fertilizer made from sheep manure and grape pomace, which is cheap and sustainable.


3. Promising. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares Chile's cost advantages and excellent terroir conditions, and has also attracted many international wineries to invest, such as Lafite from France, Torres from Spain, and Mondavi from the United States. Because of these well-known big wineries, the quality and popularity of the wine will also be upgraded to a higher level, and this is also the key to people choosing Chilean wines for their cost-effectiveness. Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.