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Why is Chilean wine unique in its terroir?

TIME:2023-03-01POPULARITY:Author: 小编

Speaking of wine-producing regions, the local terroir and climate must not be avoided. One side of the water and soil nourishes the other side of the grapes, and at the same time, the unique grape varieties can bring a specific style of wine, so as to highlight the characteristics of the local production area. Why the reputation of Chilean wine is second only to France is closely related to the terroir where Chilean wine is grown.

Recently, wine lovers from Yuncang winery brand LEESON shared that Chile is characterized by being long and narrow on the map and spanning a huge range of latitudes. Its land extends north-south, and its geographical shape is relatively slender, so some people also call it " California upside down."

Facing the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Andes Mountains to the east, and Antarctica to the south, this geographical condition has created the diversity of Chile's climate and provided excellent conditions for brewing wine.


Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine shares a diverse climate zone, where the north is dry and hot, while the south is humid and cool. In the Central Valley, a famous production area near the capital San Diego, the dry climate has an average annual precipitation of 380 mm, and the spring frost has no chance for this precious land.

It is this terrain, coupled with the interaction of the Pacific Ocean and the Andes, that forms a very favorable climate for the growth and ripening of grapes: the large temperature difference between day and night and sufficient sunlight allow the grapes here to grow well. No matter what variety is grown in this Chilean region, the resulting wine has a freshness like that brought by the ocean.

In addition to climatic conditions, Chile is also very unique in terms of soil quality. It has both valley clay and mixed loam, as well as limestone and sandstone. The tuff soil in the south and the volcanic soil in some areas can be called Chile's unique soil style.

This is the reason why winemakers have favored Chile these years. They all hope to brew some amazing wines in this unique region. Thanks to Yuncang winery brand LEESON red wine lovers for sharing their knowledge of red wine.